Get free 500 vine token by doing these simple telegram task!

in Hive Drops3 years ago (edited)


IMG Source

Hi everyone, Vine Protocol airdrop is now live and you can get your free 500 vine token by doing this simple task!

Vine Protocol is a multi-chain protocol for liquidity mining, market making, DeFi token offering and DEX aggregation. It provides all these services at zero cost to the users that have enabled transaction fee mining.

VINE Protocol is airdropping 500 VINE to airdrop participants. Complete simple social tasks and submit your details to the Telegram bot to receive the tokens. Also get 20 VINE for each referral.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1.) Chat with the Telegram bot Click here
2.) start the bot and answer the captcha.


3.) Join their Telegram group and Telegram news channel.

4.) Follow them on Twitter and retweet the pinned tweet.

5.) return to the bot and fill up your twitter username start with the @.

6.) Submit your bep20 address (binance smart chain) you can download the Trust Wallet here

NOTE: If in case you use my referral link to join this airdrop just comment below and you will receive 0.1 hive in addition of the drops