Female Ocean Healer Fanart - HOLOZING - The Beginning of a Splinterlands Rival?

Happy weekend, people. Here's a surprise post (and fanart) for y'all - The Female Ocean Healer from the Holozing Blockchain game. Let's step back a little bit to see what is going on here.

Background for this Post

So, a few days back, I was scrolling Hive and I saw a post related to the Holozing game. That's when I became aware of its existence and ever since this first sighting, the "algorithm" has been pushing more Holozing-related content into my feed.

It piqued my interest and I started digging around and found out more about the game, project, goals, and such... I gotta say, it seems like a solid project with solid people behind it like @acidyo (founder of OCD, need I say more?), @asgarth (Co-founder of PeakD and PeakMonsters - the first is where you post your Hive Posts, and the second is where you buy or rent your Splinterlands cards, at least I did), and @jfuji (I know this great guy from back in my Rising Star days, he went on to join a writing community and is in charge of the story and creative writing of the game).

These are the people at the top of my mind, and I'm sure there are many more great people like them - check their whitepaper to find out more, and I highly encourage you to do so before investing big in any sort of blockchain-related project to get familiar with their goals and such.

Splinterlands vs. Holozing

Now, the title is yet to be answered, and now is too early to say for sure. Splinterlands is a big GIANT with a talented staff and long-term goals and Holozing seems promising enough with its solid team of developers and creators. Time will tell if it's going to be a challenger for Splinterlands in the future. Either way, we're happy to have more awesome games on Hive blockchain and I'll personally be following the news of its progress in the future.

Now for the Art

It was something simple I came up with and got together to serve as a cover and tribute to celebrate the game's creation. (Also a hint for Holozing to hold an art contest so we can participate and compete in it, too wink wink)

By all means, enjoy the process below:

The Process

The Result

I added a circle of magic around her as the finishing touch (gotta proteccc our healers) and I think it fit her well.

Original Game Art

Anyways, that's it for today's post. Wishing everyone a lovely weekend... cheers~~



Impressive post, Woc from @almightygrim! kairke(8/8) is blown away by the commitment you've shown in crafting this post. Your hard work and dedication are highly appreciated.

We are so impressed by your content! As a token of appreciation, @kairke has sent you 0.3 WGOLD. Keep shining!

BTW! WGOLD is the token of the War of Clans ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!

I don't think it will be competition for Splinterlands because it will be a totally different game. On the other hand, excellent drawing, you did a great job.

Yea, let's see what kinds of programs they come up with to engage the community...

A beautiful presentation of this character..loved it.

Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment :3


Well done on Woc, @almightygrim! kairke(8/8) is appreciative of the time and attention you've devoted to writing this post. Your efforts are truly valued.

This post made @kairke's day! As a gift, you've received 0.3 WGOLD! Keep creating amazing content and never give up!

BTW! WGOLD is the token of the War of Clans ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!