Holozing/ Woolio

in Holozing Community24 days ago (edited)

Hiii everyone~~ ^^
Here’s my drawing of Woolio. Few days ago I decided to draw the human version of Woolio and now finally it’s finished. I drew a girl and then drew short hair for her. I liked woolio’s ear shape so I decided to draw it like the original art.

When the sketch was ready I started coloring her skin and started shading and highlighting.

Here I went on coloring her eyes, lips and hair. After coloring and shading, I added more hair strands.

At this step I thought it’s finished but it also felt like something is missing. So then I added some accessories for her. I think she got more prettier with these accessories.

Then I thought of adding more lights on her hair and body.

Here I worked on the background. Since everything was bright and shiny I decided to make the background shiny too so I add lots of lights around her.

This is one of my fav works and I hope you also liked it~ ^^


Wowwww, that was really cool, so pretty... 😍

Thank you so much~😍😍

I love the accessories on her

Thank you so much~~ ^^

Woolio has drawn girl through amazing digital art. Each step is smoothly arranged. Also the magnificence of the drawing has been extraordinary. May the Creator always bless you with all abilities.

Thanks a lot~ ^^

So golden, love her

Thank you~ 😍