¡Hola comunidad de Holozing! 🌟 Un saludo especial a todos, esperando que estén teniendo un día maravilloso y un excelente fin de semana. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes esta entrada después de mucho tiempo, he estado poniéndome al día con los concursos y me encontré con este proyecto impresionante que ha publicado nuestro querido @Acidyo. Este nuevo proyecto me motivado a participar y me gustaría presentarles mi versión para la #collection con la increíble Healer Forest, una de mis sanadoras favoritas. 🍃✨
Espero que les guste tanto como a mí me ha gustado trabajar en ella. Holozing siempre ha sido una comunidad vibrante y llena de talento, y es un honor poder contribuir con algo que considero especial. Les animo a todos a unirse a este proyecto y mostrar su creatividad. No hay límites para lo que podemos lograr juntos, y cada aportación hace que la comunidad sea aún más fuerte y diversa.
¡Gracias por su apoyo y por hacer de Holozing un lugar tan inspirador! 🎨💚
Espero que disfruten de mi versión de la Healer Forest y no puedo esperar a ver las increíbles creaciones que ustedes también compartirán. ¡Vamos a hacer de este proyecto algo inolvidable!
Hello Holozing community 🌟 Special greetings to everyone, hoping you are having a wonderful day and an excellent weekend. Today I want to share with you this post after a long time, I have been catching up with contests and I came across this awesome project posted by our dear @Acidyo. This new project motivated me to participate and I would like to present you my version for the #collection with the amazing Healer Forest, one of my favorite healers. 🍃✨
I hope you like it as much as I liked working on it. Holozing has always been a vibrant and talented community, and it's an honor to be able to contribute something I consider special. I encourage everyone to join this project and showcase your creativity. There are no limits to what we can accomplish together, and every contribution makes the community even stronger and more diverse.
Thank you for your support and for making Holozing such an inspiring place! 🎨💚
I hope you enjoy my version of the Healer Forest and I can't wait to see the amazing creations you will share as well. Let's make this project unforgettable!
Link de Referencia/Reference Link
Etapas del Dibujo/Drawing Stages
Realice el boceto en limpio con la misma brocha tipo lápiz, luego pasé a la fase de color, agregando tonos saturados junto con algunos tonos tierra medios y claros, todos aplicados con una opacidad media. Usé los tonos más oscuros para las sombras y difuminé a medida que definía aún más las áreas iluminadas con tonos más claros. Después, eliminé el exceso para definir bien la silueta y la forma. Utilicé un tono tierra oscuro para endurecer un poco más los bordes y las sombras. Luego, continué trabajando en nuevas capas con el método de mezcla normal, enfocándome en los ojos con una brocha suave y definiéndolos con un tono blanco en opacidad media. Después, pase en una nueva capa a trabajar con un pincel suave el body.
I did the clean sketch with the same pencil brush, then moved on to the color phase, adding saturated tones along with some medium and light earth tones, all applied with medium opacity. I used the darker shades for the shadows and blended as I further defined the highlighted areas with lighter shades. I then removed the excess to further define the silhouette and shape. I used a dark earth tone to further harden the edges and shadows. Then, I continued working on new layers with the normal blending method, focusing on the eyes with a soft brush and defining them with a white tone in medium opacity. Then, I moved on to a new layer to work with a soft brush on the body.
Continué trabajando en el body, utilizando un tono más claro para iluminar y definir los pliegues. Añadí un toque de iluminación en verde en los bordes y luego eliminé el exceso, definiendo con blanco en baja opacidad. Después, me enfoqué en la chaqueta, empleando tonos ligeramente opacos para la iluminación y definiendo los pliegues con un tono verde saturado en opacidad media. Usé varias capas para este proceso. Al terminar la chaqueta, creé el emblema del trébol en una nueva capa, utilizando una brocha suave de la misma forma.
I continued working on the body, using a lighter tone to illuminate and define the folds. I added a touch of green lighting at the edges and then removed the excess, defining with white at low opacity. Next, I focused on the jacket, using slightly opaque tones for lighting and defining the creases with a saturated green tone at medium opacity. I used several layers for this process. When I finished the jacket, I created the clover emblem in a new layer, using a soft brush in the same way.
En cuanto a su cabello, fui trabajándolo con una brocha suave usando varias capas para mechones mas oscuros y luego fui pincelando reflejos de iluminación en una nueva capa pasando a definir con la brocha tipo pelo. Después, con el fondo use un pincel de textura para realizar las pequeñas ramas y un pincel de hojas para el follaje, difuminándole con gaussiano, pincelando algunos tonos verdes y de iluminación para el fondo base, aplicando capas de superposición también y de brillo para profundizar un poco mas. Gracias por acompañarme!
As for her hair, I worked on it with a soft brush using several layers for darker strands and then brushing highlights in a new layer, going on to define it with the hair brush. Then, with the background I used a texture brush to make the small branches and a leaf brush for the foliage, blurring it with gaussian, brushing some green tones and lighting for the base background, applying layers of overlay and glow to deepen it a little more. Thanks for joining me!
This is amazing as usual, but please remember to keep things a bit more PG in the future. Thanks for your hard work and beautiful art!
Thank you very much I appreciate it very much... I will take the classification very much into account. Glad you liked it 😊♥️
Maybe you could include #nsfw tag just in case you'd wanna continue with these kind of works so the wrong pair of eyes don't accidentally see it. Either way, it's great stuff!
Check out some of my recent posts about us looking for fanart for our upcoming digital + physical collection card set if you're interested! :)
Thank you very much, 😊 👋yes I would like to participate...I was looking at your post on the subject, I placed the tag but I think it would not fall under the category this time. Besides I missed framing it with the frames to make it look better.
yeah think the tag needs to be when the post first goes out, but no worries, just meant that we don't want to discourage you from creating artwork however you want to, just keep in mind there might be readers under the age of 18 here so that would then prevent any issues ^^
and yeah, feel free to ask if you have any questions about creating artwork with the aim of wanting them to be accepted for the collection set!
Thank you I will do so, I will continue working on other pieces for this week hoping you like them very much much ☺️✨