Miu Miu Miu Fanart Holozing Creature, Digital Art

in Holozing Community4 months ago (edited)

Hello Holozing community friends😊

Come back with me this time😁

Greetings to the @holozing team, @Acidyo and the great artist creating holozing games characters @craizuss!

How are you all?

May you always be healthy and given the blessings of life☺.

This time I made fan art of the character Holozing Miu Miu Miu, I depicted this character as a fat cat who was angry when disturbed and was sleeping on a cloth.

The character refers to Miu Miu Miu who has long fur and a beard-like part and a combination of gray and white fur, as well as a large and long gray tail.

Reference source from original holozing games:

I created this character from a reference to a real world cat and Garfiel, who is depicted as a fat and fierce orange cat.

I hope you like my post this time.

Working tool:
HP Laptop, Clip Studio Paint and Wacom Cintiq 13Hd.

Stages of creating work:*

Sketch to Line art

Basic coloring and shading to light effects

Final Render Results

Thank you for viewing my blog so far, and stay healthy, friends.

See you😊🤗


Wooo, this creation is phenomenal, I really like your art.🤗😍

Thank you for appreciate my work😊

Your sketch to lineart transition is amazing bro!

Thank you bro😁

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @cetb2008 ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Thank you😊

Another amazing art piece bro, i love how you made miumiumiu intimidating

Thank you my friend😁😊

Hey @deddywox your posts on the Holozing community can also earn $LEO tokens and Ad Revenue, all you have to do is publish them from InLeo! 😃

Okay i try this

Awesome! If you encounter any issues just make a thread and tag me so I can see it and help you out friend

wow..okay thank you very much for the help😊

Thank you😊