Holozing Fan-art of Water Healer

" Holozing Water Healer in Red Scarf "


Zolo Hive People, and Holozingers! I wish you are in good situation right now, for todays post I would like to share with you the fan-art that I draw for @Holozing Community. And yes this the Water Healer in the Red Scarf. In this picture, the Water Healer is rocking a brown snow jacket and a bright red scarf. Oh, and her hair? It's a striking shade of blue! Take a peek and tell me what you think. I had a blast creating it, and I hope you enjoy checking it out as much as I did making it!"

Below I included again some process of this Fan-art, wish you like it 😋.

Character Reference:


Original Design of Water Healer created by one of the most talented artist in Hive "Mr. @Craizuss ".

: Process :

Rough Sketch:
Alright, first things first, I fire up my digital canvas and dive into the rough sketch phase. With my stylus in hand, I let my ideas flow freely, mapping out the basic outline of my masterpiece. Once I'm satisfied with the rough layout, it's time to move on to the next step.

Line Art:
Now that I've got my rough sketch down, it's time to refine those lines and bring some structure to the chaos. With precision and patience, I carefully trace over my sketch, cleaning up the lines to create a crisp and defined outline. This step really sets the stage for what's to come.

Base Colors:
With the outlines in place, it's time to add some color to the mix! I select my palette and start filling in the digital canvas with base colors, bringing my artwork to life one hue at a time. It's amazing how quickly things start to come together at this stage.


Detailing - Shadows, Highlights, and Accessories:
Now for the fun part – adding those final touches that really make the artwork pop! Using a blending brush, I carefully blend shadows and highlights to add depth and dimension to my creation.

As a special touch, I introduce an accessory for the Water Healer – a delicate hair pin in the shape of a starfish. This whimsical addition adds a touch of charm to her character. With each stroke, the colors seamlessly merge, creating a realistic and immersive effect.


I incorporate the Water Holozing Logo, seamlessly blending it into the composition to add an extra layer of authenticity.

Adding Background:
Lastly, it's time to set the scene! I add a background to complement the character, opting for a serene blue hue reminiscent of tranquil waters. To add interest and texture, I scatter random water splats across the background, enhancing the aquatic theme and adding visual appeal. With the background complete, the artwork truly comes alive, transporting viewers to a world of wonder and imagination.

And once I'm satisfied with the result, it's time to sit back and admire the masterpiece I've brought to life.

Holozing Official Website



Uwaa~ I love the eye expression. The starfish hairclip is a nice addition.


Thank U Jiji... Roarrrrrrr...



$PIZZA slices delivered:
jijisaurart tipped eustace-kidd
@eustace-kidd(1/5) tipped @lolodens

Galing talaga mag drawing!

Mana lang saiyo aking Maestro. 😌


Thank U @zingtoken 💓