Holozing Ideal Creature " Bubble Buzz "

πŸ‘ Bubble Buzz πŸ‘

Good Day to all Holozingers and Hive-peeps, welcome again to my Holo-Post πŸ˜…, for todays fan-art I created an Insect Type Holozing Creatures and I named it Bubble Buzz and yes instead of TT I change it to ZZ to make it sounds funny HAHAHA. I include some process on how this fan-art created.

FINAL - paint 43 07.png
Check it down here


  • First thing is creating the line-art after that I select the outside part of the sketch with of magic wand, then select invert so I can fill the inside of the sketch just like what you below.
paint 43 00.pngpaint 43 01.png

After that I added swatches, then starting to color every part of BB.

paint 43 02.pngpaint 43 03.pngpaint 43 04.png

I keep on thinking what details I'm going to add on her, so let's continue adding more..

paint 43 05.pngpaint 43 06.png

Now it's time to add the background, first I remove the base background and started to create new one.

NBGpaint 43 07.pngpaint 43 07.png

For the Final result I change create 2nd option of the background and decide to use it for the final background. And we are done.
FINAL - paint 43 07.png


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