Holozing Background Art Contest Results & Calendar Bonus reveal

in Holozing Community7 months ago (edited)
Authored by @acidyo

holozing contest win.jpg

Hey everyone! Hope you've had an amazing start to the new year, in this post we'll be going through the winners of the background creature contest we hosted a couple weeks ago. Thank you to everyone who participated, it was quite a successful one with so many entries it took us a long time to look and curate through them all.

After careful consideration, our judges came to a unanimous decision to select the top 3 winners and a few honorable mentions. Let's get on with it!

Starting with our honorable mentions, congratulations to


@jijisaurart, their entry can be found here.
@mario02, their entry can be found here.
and @japex1226 their entry can be found here.

Now we head to the podium, congratulations to the runners-up


@victoradebiyiart, their entry can be found here.
@solumviz, their entry can be found here.

and the winner goes to

@deddywox, their entry can be found here


Our initial plans were to reward 3 winners but due to the massive amount of participants and amazing entries, we decided to scale it to 5 and increase the Hive rewards given out than initially planned. Our plans were also to purchase the rights to use the winning background for the official game and invite the artist over to work with us, instead we will be offering this to 2 of the winning artists, congratulations @deddywox and @victoradebiyiart, please join our Discord and get in touch with us to discuss things in more detail. We look forward to working with you both!

1st place: @deddywox - 98 HIVE, 500 POSH and 5000 ZING (& purchase of rights for bg & hire)
2nd place: @victoradebiyiart - 70 HIVE, 300 POSH and 3000 ZING (& purchase of rights for bg & hire)
3rd place: @solumviz - 42 HIVE, 200 POSH and 2000 ZING
4th place: @jijisaurart - 28 HIVE
5th place: @mario02 - 21 HIVE
6th place: @japex1226 - 21 HIVE

We hope you all had a lot of fun participating and thank everyone again, the Hive community is amazing when it comes to creativity!

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Calendar Bonus reveal

We recently sent out the ZING bonus to all claimers based on how many days they claimed their ZING rewards, a total of 37,002 ZING was distributed. Half of it during December and half just now through the @holozing account. While this was not a lot of value, keep in mind this is ZING that @poshtoken sponsored, we didn't just create it out of thin air to inflate the token. We hope though that the next perk will be something you'll like hearing as well!

A Hiver-only discount

This will be a unique discount limited only to Hive users who've registered before this announcement and claimed rewards during the December Calendar. We didn't want to make it public what it will be to avoid attempts at cheating it with account farms and for that, this discount is not something that will be repeated in the future. At the same time, it's going to reward a lot of those who've been eager and good at claiming their ZING rewards daily and for some proper value this time around!

How does it work?

The ZING amount you received today represents the number of unique days you claimed during December. The other thing it represents will be a % discount on your first Starter Pack and Healer purchase on Hive-engine when the sale starts!

If you claimed 31 out of 31 unique days during December, you will get the maximum of 31% discount when purchasing your first Starter pack and Healer NFT!

Think of it as a coupon, the more times you've claimed, the higher the discount on your coupon.

Here are some stats on claims during December:

Amount ZINGAccount Count

166 accounts claimed a perfect score! How amazing is that, really shows how excited people are for our project when so many claimed daily during the holiday season. Out of the current 1574 registered accounts, 1005 claimed rewards during December!

Keep in mind, that the discount will only work for 1 pack and 1 healer, you will only be able to purchase 1 pack at a time when using your coupon and the discount will stay on your account until the healer sale goes live to give you the discount then as well.

Quick maths; let's assume the starter pack will cost $20 while the healer will cost $50, if you have a 30% discount you will be able to purchase a starter pack for $14 instead and a healer for $35 saving you quite a few Hive for your next packs!

More info on the approaching Starter Sale coming soon, stay tuned and have a wonderful 2024!

Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing

Official Hive community:
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Witnesses involved in @holozing if you'd like to support them with your vote:

Post rewards going to our judges and curators for the contest

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Congratulations to all who participated in this contest😊. I wasn't expecting to be among the top 3 so this was a great present for me as well. Such a nice way to begin the new year!

@jijisaurart thank you so much for letting us know about this contest 🤩and also congratulations hehe 🎇🎇🎇.

@deddywox I knew you were gonna be up there since day one haha. Congrats bro you deserve it and we expect to see amazing backgrounds from you in their official website hehe 🎉🎉👏.

@victoradebiyiart my bro I'm so glad I told you about this even though I was a bit late xd. I was very impressed about how you made that background in that short amount of time. Backgrounds are your thing 😎. Congrats bro and I'll be seeing more of that in the official page hehe🎉🎉 👏

@mario02 and @japex122 congratulations to you guys as well👏😎. Both of you guys did a wonderful job💪.

Thank you holozing for conducting this contest. I hope you guys do something like again from time to time 😁.

Congratulations to you too, friend, I'm not even sure that my work will be in first place😁 this is 90% luck that God has given me because in terms of drawing skills my work is only 10%, in fact the other contestants, including you, I think are better than me , and I also didn't expect that the committee would buy a license for my work and also be recruited and help them work on the background, this is really the most beautiful gift for me😊

You are too humble ahah. Excited to see your works soon :)

I'm not humble, but I often don't have confidence in the work I make myself, ready friends, let's work more often in 2024, let's keep this art of drawing alive and please more people😊

I get that. I think lots of people feel that way regardless of what their skills are. It's always better and healthy to compare yourself with your past version and not with others. To me you look like you improved a lot 🤩.

"let's keep this art of drawing alive and please more people😊"

Cheers to that 🥂!

Yes, maybe it's instinctive as humans that we want to compete so we always compare ourselves with other people, thank you, my friend, that's right, I should compare myself with myself before. Yes, let's be more enthusiastic about working😊

Yooooo @solumviz how come i didn't see this comments, look ive got to give you al the flowers man , you really were a good friend for me, and helped me by notifying me ,and i as always came through with the best i could and guess what I'm at the top you guys including @deddywox, congrats my man , i really appreciate all you've done for me.

No problem bro 😁 and congratulations hehe 🎇🎇🎇😁.

Thank you bro, and congrats for you to bro☺👍

congrats to you also my man, you did really good and a happy new year to you all

congrats to you also my man, you did really good and a happy new year to you

Wow, what an amazing New Year's gift for me, I didn't expect that I could be the first winner amidst many other good artists' work😊, thank you to @holozing for holding this contest, I hope the art contest from @holozing continues with other interesting themes which makes artists even more enthusiastic about working😊.

Congratulations also to the other winners, your work is extraordinary my friends, keep up the good work👍 Thank you also to the community at Hive who have supported me all this time, without your support I would be nothing in this community.

Thank you 🙏🙏and happy new year guys !!!🎆🎆🎆🎇

Congrats to the winners, these backgrounds look very cool!

And I almost didn't notice the part about the discount, lol. I swear I just read over that part while checking the claimed days thing :)

But thank you! That means I get 29% discount as I totally forgot two days (thankfully just two).. Looking forward to that!

166 - users who came in every day. Excellent result. Thank you very much for the discount. In my opinion, this is a brilliant idea - to say after the action has been held to weed out the bot owners.

I look forward to hearing about the first sale of starter kits and healers.

Reblog this cool news

I am supper happy for everything you are doing, congratulations to all the participants and of course winners of your contest!!
Thank you for the discount (I ll be waiting to claim it) and I am proud to be among the 166 accounts ;)
Happy New Year!

This is really cool. A big congratulations to the winners first of all. The backgrounds were epic so it's really deserving.

I missed a couple of days in December so that's a bummer. Hope to still accumulate more however. Especially for the starter packs. Let's keep ZINGing!

What a banger way to start the year! Didn't get a perfect 31, but a discount is a discount and I'll take it happily! So glad to be part of the early birds to get on in the project and enjoy some perks. Thank you guys!

And a huge congratulations to all the winners. Looks like the team is getting a few new members and it is all from the hive community. This is superb!

Awesome, I got 31 out of 31 claimed and I'm surprised to see that over 100, even over 150 people managed to do it too.

This discount by the amount of days claimed is a fantastic idea and it makes me really happy that I will be getting 31% off my first purchases.

The extra ZING helped out a lot too

Wow, I am more than grateful for this achievement. I really enjoyed participating in this incredible contest and I thank you very much for taking me into account in the face of so many entries. 🙏

My congratulations to all the winners, especially to my friend @deddywox for such an amazing job. You deserve it

Happy New Year to everyone and I hope to be part of another contest in the future. Thank you very much @holozing

Thank you bro😊, and congrats for you to☺,


These all look insanely good. So many talented artists on Hive. Congrats to all participants and of course the well deserved winner.

A sweet 31% discount is a great gift for those dedicated claimers like myself. Things seem to be off to a great start that’s for sure.

Wow this is amazing, a very big congratulations to all winners of the just concluded contest, you all did an amazing job and thanks to the team.

I started well for some time until I started missing couple of days due to my travels, well it's all good. Thanks so much for the bonus.

Wow, congratulations to the top two winners, it is well deserved!

And it is interesting that those who claimed for the whole month of December will be getting 31% discount! That's really huge 🥳.

I'm looking forward to when we get to purchase our starter pack and the healer pack 🥰.

Happy new year Holozing community!

Greetings friend, congratulations to each of the winners of this contest, where I will also be surprised by the number of entries that will be appreciated and above all see that talent that is in hive when designing and putting creativity to the test. Without a doubt a great choice and success for them and may wonderful things come. Now interesting about the distribution and rewards for the calendar, so be on the lookout for anything and take advantage of those offers to start the year off with a bang. Successes.

Congratulations to all the winners, those arts deserve the wins. Woot, that's great to hear that there will be a discount on healer and starter pack sales per the amount of times you claimed in December. That's a great way to gift one a Christmas package. Thanks so much for your good work. Keep it on!! I am looking forward to the game...

All 6 backgrounds are excellent! Congrats to the talented artists. :)

Very cool to use the December claim data as a purchase discount as well. I think I'll borrow from that idea for my projects :)

Happy New Year to all amaZing Zingers!

Happy Year 2024.

Congratulations to the winners. Well deserved. The creature backgrounds are great, and the best is yet to come...

To the Holozing team, thank you very much for the great work you are doing.


This is great news! Congratulations to all the winners God bless you ♥ Let's keep on supporting our family!.... Oh, they sure had a trick up their sleeve with the Zing claim... That's the way to go!.... A hug dear family, God bless you always ♥

Congrats to all the winners; wonderful works of art are deserving of recognition.
I'm very excited to learn that healer and starter pack sales will be discounted according to how many times you claimed in December. It's a wonderful way to give someone a Christmas present.
I really appreciate your hard work.

Ok, I must say that the discount is just awesome! Thanks for that and of course thanks for $ZING. Also, congrats to background competition winners and participants. Must have been hard to pick the winner, to me they all look really great!

Happy New year to all @holozing players!
And Comgratulations to all winners! You did great work!!!
How sadly that I missed several days of claiming in December, so it'll be lesson for the future for me...
@acidyo please update table of stats on claims during December. It shows empty table now on peakd frontend.
Снимок экрана от 2024-01-02 01-59-19.png

Hmm, not sure what you mean with empty or what would need updating?

As I understand in table should be shown stats of claims in December. But on peakd.com or ecency com I see just an empty table without amount of claimed ZING tokens. Only numbers of rows as it shown on screen shot.

The number doesn't represent number of rows, the number means those who only claimed 1 time during december and how many accounts only claimed 1 time during december, then it moves on to how many accounts claimed 2 times during december, etc.

Maybe that's the confusion?

The number doesn't represent number of rows, the number means those who only claimed 1 time during december and how many accounts only claimed 1 time during december, then it moves on to how many accounts claimed 2 times during december, etc.

Shame on me... Now I see.
Excuse me that took your time.
I thought that it should be numbers with accounts name. Thank you that explained it!

no worries, account names would've taken too much space since over 1000 unique accounts claimed at least once :D

Congrats to the artists, I like all backgrounds
am also happy that I was able to make 31 out of 31 in the calendar and look forward to purchasing starter packs :)

!discovery 30
@tipu curate

nice. I do it too 😀


Wow, congratulations to the winners of that significant discount. It's a great reward for your dedication throughout the month. I'm happy to read about how the community continues to move forward. Keep up the success. Greetings to the entire @holozing team.

I'm preparing some dry powder for the event, but I have one question. Is the price of the pack going to be in USD?

Yeah paired to fiat price unfortunately for now. :D

Perfect! 😎

These are my IDOLS Congrats to all the winners 😁
💓 🇵🇭

Uwaaa~ Thank you po! 💖

Thank you friend☺

Yoooowwwn hahaha nice one! Matsalam Lodi

They all look great but I absolutely love the work done by @japex1226 🔥 congrats to everyone 👏🏻

Thank you very much!!! It is an honor😁😁😁

You are welcome. Keep up the good work 🔥

A big congratulations to the winners. Trust me all the artwork are really looking so stunning I must confess. So stunning 🥰

a discount on the purchase of the starter pack and the healer is greatly appreciated, especially for those who want to play and not just invest in $ZING!

Wow Thank you very muuuuch! Congratulations to everyone who participated it was a fun contest!😁

Wow a buy congratulations to the winner and they really put in a great work to make sure those artwork is amazing

That discount is pretty nice:-) glad I got a perfect score!

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My participation was a great experience for me. With Holozing, I found my taste for digital art for the first time. I met these award-winning artists and I already follow some of them, because I like good art.

Great the Holozing project! We look forward to more contests.

Excellent! Congratulations to the winners and also to the honorable mentions. Your designs are spectacular as some of you have been told before.

Congratulations to those chosen to join the Holozing creative team, a privilege.

Thank you for the bonus received and also thank you for the discount for the first purchase.


My goodness, I didn't find out about this cool event in time, I would have loved to participate to create something cool, but congratulations to all the winners who qualified, they are all great designs.

Happy new year to all...

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remaining commands 8


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

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Thank you! We appreciate your support and enthusiasm. The 31% discount for those who claimed in December is definitely a great deal. We're excited for you to be able to purchase the starter pack and healer pack soon. Happy New Year to you as well, and we hope you have a fantastic time in the Holozing community!

This is really amazing.

It keeps getter better and closer to the start of the game as the day goes by. Congratulations to the winners

Congratulations to the winners, all the drawings were incredible, thank you very much for that discount, I will take advantage of it.

Discount is surely a good surprise element. I did claim everyday and this is a good %ge of discount.
Congratulations to the winners

That's a really nice surprise with the discount! Congrats to the winners! Some great designs were selected.

I am one of the 166 with a perfect score. Thank you very much to the team for that incredible opportunity of the discount, a very good surprise to start the year. Thank you!

happy new year everyone and I should say, the backgrounds that the finalist have made were all wonderful and were really a tough choice who to win but there was also the general premise and lore of the game to consider which the development team had to consider with their choice.

Thank you so much!!! ✨ Happy new year. 💖🎉🎇

Congratulations 🎉 to our well deserves winners, for those designs are simply amazing.

I somehow missed to claim my rewards for three days in December I guess will still be qualify for a nice percentage.

A big congratulations to the winners. The price are really huge. For the December bonus I came to know about HoloZing on December so I missed like a week of not claiming but I claimed all other days. This is a nice project and I have no doubt about it.

Congratulations to all contest 🏆
I could claimed 31 days on December Holiday.
Let's try to purchase Starter pack and healer.

All of the above mentioned backgrounds look really awesome! Although the winner really deserved it the most in my opinion.
I definitely like it that you guys are filling your job offers this way! Keep up the good work!

Many beautiful works have emerged. It's a little difficult to choose the most beautiful one, they are all beautiful. Congratulations to the winners. Thanks to those who participated.

congratulations! It's always exciting to see the talent and creativity that emerges from contests like these. The distribution and rewards for the calendar will be announced soon, so make sure to stay updated and take advantage of any offers that come your way. Here's to a successful year ahead!

Those backgrounds look wonderful. The rewards are really nice as well. Apart from the tokens, being part of the team is awesome. The calendar mechanics and reward is really interesting. It provides a good amount of discount, and by not revealing it, it wasn't exploited. Seeing the tentative prices of the pack and healer, I need to save up more haha.

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