Holozing.com stats & FInancial report

in Holozing Community8 months ago (edited)
Authored by @acidyo

Hello future healers!

Welcome to the first official post where we'll update you with stats of the website and end it with a financial report on our spendings, current debt and other income stats. We already made one post 9 days ago about the stats after 4 days of tracking them so we'll be placing them side by side in this post as comparison and try get this post going on a weekly basis. The rewards earned by this post will go 100% to zingtoken as Hive Power to be used for future funding of the game.


Here's the chart of all time stats, to the left is the image from the post 9 days ago and to the right is the chart right now. As we can see, quite an increase in unique visitors and the daily visits is up by 100-200.


Daily Chart from November 13th.


Geographical chart of total visits from Nov 9-13.



Daily Chart yesterday.


Geographical chart of total vists from Nov 9-22.



Alright, for financial information, we'd wanna make it brief but enough to keep things transparent. We'll be dividing our costs so far into 4 categories, "Game dev" which will encompass everything game development related, "Devs" which will be all other developers, "Servers" which will encompass everything from renting servers and paying the monthly costs, "Art" which will be everything Art related and "Miscellaneous" which will be other things not fitting in the sections above. We'll also be giving an estimate of our current loans and debt to devs who've been patient with getting their Hive rewards since the focus has been on game development.

Servers: 71.566 Hive
Devs: 0* (see Debt)
Game Dev: 35,820.726 Hive
Art: 2,485 Hive
Miscellaneous: 920 Hive

Total spent: 39,297.292 Hive

POSH Loans: 15,200 Hive (already included in total spent)
For clarification, POSH has so far spent almost 40k Hive to kickstart the project, meaning the POSH claimdrop will continue until that value is returned to @poshtoken.wallet as earned Zing claims. The value will be determined by the average price of Zing over time until the end date of the claimdrop, currently 40k Hive of Zing is worth 1,064,000 Zing, and POSH has so far claimed 509,785.655 Zing (almost half) according to the top contributor list.

Debt to devs: ~28,000 Hive

As you can see the game is currently in quite a bit of debt which is the main reason we decided to move along with launching token distribution which in turn gets the project some funding through HP delegations. This is also why we're aiming to launch our starter pack sale next now that we know the game "works" with current game logic implementations and vision.


In brighter news, here's some of the current earnings of @zingtoken.

Since the launch of the token distribution we've collected 12,710 Hive Power in curation rewards. At current delegations we're earning about 750 Hive per day. We're hoping that the starter sale will get us out of debt and loans and help with growing the team and working towards scaling and speeding things up since powerdowns are quite slow on Hive and we rather wouldn't want to wait that long to catch up to everything.

We'll be updating spendings from this point forward through posts similar like these as well so you can stay up to date on our current financial state.

Anyway, that's it for today, I guess there aren't many other projects out there being this open with their financial reports but we're excited to see how this project grows with its unique start and the way things function and we hope you are too!



Absolutely gorgeous! This level of transparency is much appreciated and also makes us all feel like we're truly a part of the project!
Atm it may seem like quite a bit of debt but holozing is trying to achieve something that is close to first of its kind, from design, experience, and community. Not a huge price to pay for excellence.
From an individual side of things, what helps more? (Apart from buying packs I mean), delegation to zingtoken or posh?

We want POSH to stop funding it here very soon so the claimdrops would stop eventually towards POSH holders. We're still some time off with that and depending on how price does it'll take a while to decide when it's "even", but we're hoping with the starter pack sale we not only catch up on everything unpaid but also start speeding up the process of healer accessories for the generative art and then moving on to 3d generation of our 2d assets and 3d animation to implement into the game for open testing. We'd prefer players not see the game at its current state with borrowed assets thus we'll keep that part closed for now with only a few testers to fine-tune any bugs and help balance the 3 unique healers and 4 creatures while inserting new creatures on a weekly basis.

Basically both will help as everything will go towards development but we are hoping the starter sale starts off well to give us that extra push that powerdowns won't be as effective for yet.

It's great to have an open look like this. At the current pace it seems that the project has potential to do well financially. Looking forward to supporting and playing.

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Sometimes it's hard to run away from being in debt but looking at how things are going so far, I'm very sure it's a matter of time before those debts are paid off. I'm very sure more people are still yet to be a part of it because they haven't gotten to know about it.

The more people we get involved, I'm sure the lesser the debt we owe. Well done to everyone working on the backend 💪.


Just wow. This is the first ever project I have come across that is transparent and keeps the community updated. I see some debt and looks like you have plans to sort it out.
I am truly amazed with your way of working and it's impressive. Hope the starter sale.gkrs well and I am waiting for that. Thanks for sharing this fantastic update and hope that this practise should be followed regularly.

Recently I was thinking: why do these crypto projects never share their financials?

Like, they want us to invest money, but we have no idea what our money is used for.. When I invest in a company through stocks or other ways, I want to know what happens with this money and what the financial state is.

Just saying all of this because I think it's a great step that a project is finally showing some, although high-level, transparency in terms of their financials! Keep up the good work!

Wow, that is so impressive to see this breakdown report of the game finances, I never expected you guys to be so transparent as such, that is really great of you. I have always been positive about this with no doubt at all. I am also happy to see that the number of visits from Ghanaians is increasing, I will continue to make my blogs here at least once a day so as to draw their awareness to this noble and great community. You guys are really doing a great job, continue with it and I can't wait to see the starter pack being launched into the game. Thank you so much for this great opportunity you and your team have brought to the Hive blockchain.

This is what im talking about! This project will get the funding and the game will bring so many new players and opportunities. Thanks for sharing and already doubled my investment so now i will re invest those earnings and continue to compound. LFG! Did you buy POSH? @poshtoken

Great transparency, I love when projects are open about all the numbers. Even when on blockchain we could see most of the financial parts for ourselves, it's so nice that you guys put together this report post to make it easier for the average folks.

The holozing project starts looking great as these statistics are interesting. More people are coming to the game website and it's good. This type of level of transparency is good and I like it. Looking forward to the starter sale.

One of the aspects I like about this project is the communication that is focused on ideas and in this case transparency and so thank you

Those are big numbers, but I guess that is to be expected for a company. 750 Hive per day is really good, and should help a lot. I might have missed it, but were there projections on how much a starter pack costs?

Not yet, best guess is 10-20 Hive per pack and Healers will cost something like 3x more. This is cause they'll be generative and they'll also level up slower than creatures to aim at getting a "full" pvp roster of creatures at the same level as your healer. You can think of it like creatures being cards in SL where as healers are Runi.

Gotcha, thanks for the info. Looking forward to it.

A very nice project and also nicely shown in detail through charts. Hopefully this platform will do much better in the future and I'm really glad to be a part of it.

Those numbers are looking great, and I hope that things continue to run even better for the debt to be offset soonest.

Great numbers in the charts and 750 hive per day is also a good earning. I'm looking forward to seeing the starter sale. 👍

I haven't been able to contribute much but I try, I also told many about the project on discord, and everything is going well in the game, I already want to play it :3

The rewards earned by this post will go 100% to zingtoken as Hive Power to be used for future funding of the game.

Great idea.
In addition, systematically keeping people who are waiting for the release up to date is a great marketing move.

I keep my fingers crossed and hope for

I thought access from Turkey increased, but on the contrary, it decreased. I guess the post I shared didn't work :P Anyway, I think it will be useful in long term

Thanks for this report! Transparent and accountable communication like this builds community confidence. Blessings!



Interesting stats! I like the top contributors link too!

Yes.. so cool to see how it grows from this early stages.. 😎🤙

Its a result of credibility with the transparency of the proyect.

Success for the team!

this look really good i wish you the best and keep growing guys :D

thanks for transparency my friend

You can count on us Filipinos when it comes to CRYPTO 😁


MUY BUEN ARTICULO FINANCIERO,solo echo en falta alguna imagen del proyecto para crear fomo 😎


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I'm not sure if I missed something, I can't claim rewards for delegating and holding Posh?

Loving the transparency guys. I am looking forward to those starter packs. Will we get discount if we are staking Zing?

Well, i did it scared but extreme situation make us do anything for love.

 8 months ago  Reveal Comment