Holozing.com stats & Financial report

in Holozing Community7 months ago (edited)
Authored by @acidyo

Previous Stats & Financial Reports for comparison:
Nov 22
Nov 28
Dec 07

Registered users on holozing.com: 1,437 (+104)

Website Stats

Total Stats from December 7th.


Daily Chart from December 7th.


Geographical list of total visits from Nov 9 - Dec 7.


Total Stats yesterday.


Daily Chart yesterday.


Geographical list of total vists from Nov 9 - Dec 17


Plausible changed the total stats chart for some reason but we can see unique visitors, total visits and total pageviews on the same rate as in the previous report as the daily chart can verify that not a lot has changed. Nigeria finally overtook U.S.A as most visits from a country on the website, the rest remain quite unchanged except for the UK overtaking the Dutch in total rank.



Servers: 194.065 (+86.518)
Devs: 0 (debt)
Game Dev: 35,820.726 (no change, debt
Art: 8,305 (+2,990)
Miscellaneous: 2,270 (+1,350)

POSH total spent: 44,482.547 (+1,350)
ZING total spent: 2,990 (+2,990)

Debt: ~38,800 (+3,800)

Game Development has continued tackling Capture logic and implementing it into the game, should be about ready for testing soon. More debt has been accrued from devs who have remained unpaid the last few weeks as focus has shifted onto art to get the base healers and characters out. We have been able to find great artists to showcase our Healers and 3 additional healer characters have been finished awaiting reveal along with 2 new creatures. A big chunk of funding has also gone towards 3d creature creation, finding the perfect balance for unity and webgl so the battles can work for both PC and mobile versions of the game. Once we have a standard for the creatures we can move on with mass creation of the rest of 3d creatures for our open alpha along with healers (funding permitting). Some progress has also been made with creature and card animation of starter pack opening which we hope to launch soon! Miscellaneous spending this week has been aimed towards bridging Zing onto other chains outside of Hive, more info on that after some more testing and website implementation.


31,777 (+7,730) Hive from curation rewards
758 (+381) Hive from beneficiary rewards (posts on @holozing)


3.518M -> 3.361M (-157k)

Amounts are in Hive.

POSH claimdrop ratio

This section will reflect the amount POSH has received in Zing through claimdrops based on its amount spent and current Zing price relative to Hive. Current price won't be the indicator as to when the POSH claimdrop halts, rather we'll calculate an average price of Zing over its lifetime so the stats below are volatile.

Zing claimed by POSH: 876,584 (+144,648 ZING (includes staking rewards which shouldn't))
Hive spent by POSH: 44,482.547 (+1,350)
Current Zing price: 0.0142 Hive/Zing (-0.0033)

If 0.0142 Hive/Zing is the median price, the cutoff will happen at around 3,132,573 ZING (+668,145 ZING), currently at 27.98% (-1.72%)

Keep in mind these numbers are volatile and POSH claimdrop could end sooner or later than expected, we'll announce when we have a clear finish line in sight.

Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing

Official Hive community:
Peakd - Hive.blog - Ecency - inLeo
Twitter/X --- Reddit --- Discord

Witnesses involved in @holozing if you'd like to support them with your vote:

Post rewards sent to @zingtoken for development.


The effort to share all these details with the community is truly very appreciable. A #web2 game would never have shared all these financial details 😅

It is a bit sad that the Philippines continues to drop lower in rankings. But it is good to see that the unique visitors still seem to be increasing. Seeing the financials will always interest me. The way funds are used and how game development costs look is fascinating to me. The game updates are also nice, and I look forward to trying it out soon.

We will see once the game starts. 😆



I could get in trouble for stealing from the kitchen supply store
But that’s a whisk I’m willing to take.

Credit: reddit
@outwars, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

Thanks for this report. I can see clear improvement there. Great.

It's refreshing seeing a project this transparent. Makes my nipples hard.

I’m glad that people are getting to believe more in the $Zing token and so many people are earning already
I believe there is more to come and I can’t wait to experience it

Thank you for keeping them updated on the development of the game as well as with the summary of the economic behavior associated with the game. The enthusiasm is growing...

Looks like Holozing attracts more and more devs and new visitors. Glad that people don't remain indifferent. So I think when alfa or beta release will be ready it'll have a huge army of fans and gamers.
By the way can you tell us how do you determine number of unique site visitors distributed by geography? Are you using IP addresses for this? Or it is data indicated in hive account?

We are using plausible to provide us the data, not sure how they deal with fake traffic or vpn, etc, but I guess they have their ways.

Exactly that's why I'm this question. Because in my case on laptop and other home devices I use vps in EU. With my smartphone I use vps in US. And in my hive account shown my real place in bio.
Now it becomes more attractive to make mock test on test environment if it's possible. To take several people and try to see what data plausible service will show. Of course it is just sport interest.

Yeah haven't given it much thought cause those stats aren't really affecting tokenomics or how the game will operate, similarly these reports aren't meant to be financial advice :D

just us trying to do things a bit differently and being more open about things, maybe the world will eventually see value in something being truly web3 without middlemen or greedy founders/teams/CEO's, etc and what can instead be done with the funds that have made a lot of millionaires in the web2 if it was instead used towards growth and further development with web3 assets and accounts.

Wooow. A good number of users are logging in from Turkey. If we promote more, more people will log in to the website.

Wow, Nigeria is surpassing the USA and India is in 3rd position. Though my country Bangladesh is also among the top 10 populous country but not here on the list. Thanks for sharing the info.

A good report that shows everything in and out of the project. India seems consistent there and there is more work on the graphics side.

That's a nice report. Things are doing great so far.

It's nice to see the the number of registered users for Holozing was gradually increasing this early in development and with some of the healers now revealed there will be more people that will onboard to the game and also to the Hive ecosystem. Looking forward to the future updates.

The number of accounts is growing nicely, but looks like people are slowing down with the HP delegations.

think it's quite normal, some may have delegated without the intentions of getting involved in the game or having any hopes for it but just wanting to make the most of the APR and as it's coming down they're getting out.

Miscellaneous spending this week has been aimed towards bridging Zing onto other chains outside of Hive, . . .

This is good to gain wider exposure.



such a transparent financial report, i have not seen any project giving out report so clearly... great work by you #holozing community.

Pretty radical to see Nigeria take the lead this time. Impressive!

Looking forward to the three more healers to revealed. The last three looked very nice.

Heeey My country is on the list 🇨🇺💪
Congratulations to the team, they are doing a great job 👏👏

2 new Holomons... I'm looking forward to what type and how they look 😅. Psychic-type maybe?

The rest remain quite unchanged except for the UK overtaking the Dutch in total rank.

And Canada overtook Italy! Yoohoo!

But France is nowhere.

Bridging zing unto other chains outside the hive blockchain will create traffic which is good for this project. I wish the team success because a win for the project is a win for us investors.

This is a great update and I can see that more users are getting involved and that's really good for the Holozing game and also for hive in general.

Another healers, nice! I'm looking forward to that update, hehe

Very good guys looking good cannot wait for 3 additional healer characters and 2 new creatures

Really love the level of transparency with those financial updates!
Keep up the good work and really curious which bridges you're creating! 👀

Appreciate the honesty guys.

I do think that the presentation of numbers would be better in an Excel/Sheets page though. Maybe consider it for the next round?

Hope you guys have a great week.

We'll try make it look a bit nicer in future reports, thanks for the feedback!

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oh nice Philippines is in the top of the list.

Thanks for the update! :)

31,777 (+7,730) Hive from curation rewards

Curating gaming contents ?

currently just the holozing community with extra voting power going towards hbd.funder comments, when the game is launched and there's more unique things to post about we'll be inviting more curators and also checking to curate other gaming posts outside the community such as the hive gaming community.

Great work a #holozing truly not an easy one being able to share all this you guys are amazing


@thehockeyfan-at sent you LUV 🙂 (3/4)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Adding @holozing as a channel on https://chat.d.buzz/t/hive-193084/22 under "Hive Games".

Thank you for the update. I got on the holozing wagon a bit later than most, but I like seeing my Zing stash grow and I’m looking forward to playing the game when it’s available.
When will the first characters be available for sale? Will the price be set in Zing token? Just curious how much I should save up to be able to play ☺️

Do not take it as an insult, rather as an objective opinion. 1 news article per week is the way that some users may forget about @holozing altogether 😅

Want more

To give out this well detail report took a lot of time and effort.
Thanks for encouraging the community

Registered use +104 and 3.518M -> 3.361M (-157k) shows that the true dream of Holozing will come to pass.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
rzc24-nftbbg tipped holozing
@rzc24-nftbbg(3/5) tipped @outwars