Holozing.com stats & Financial report

in Holozing Community5 months ago

Hey everyone, been a while since we've posted a financial report along with some stats. We've been quite busy with a lot of other things so we hope you excuse us! We'll try to post these monthly from here on out instead!

Previous Stats & Financial Reports for comparison:
Nov 22
Nov 28
Dec 07
Dec 16

Registered users on holozing.com: 1,643 (+206)

Website Stats

Total Stats from December 16th.


Daily Chart from December 16th.


Geographical list of total visits from Nov 9th - Dec 17th.


Total Stats yesterday.

Daily Chart yesterday.


Geographical list of total vists from Dec 16th - Jan 7th.


Unique visitors has increased by about 16k in the last 3 weeks with total pageviews up to 180k from 115k. The daily chart has decreased slightly which is understandable and we've also considered increasing the claims from hourly to every 3/6h but waiting to do so once there's more things to do on the website instead. Nigeria has taken a comfortable lead in traffic rankings while Venezuela has passed Germany for 5th spot in a tight race against the Philippines.



Servers: 194.065 (+0)
Devs: 0 (see debt)
Game Dev: 35,820.726 (+0, see debt
Art: 13,480 (+5,175)
Miscellaneous: 2,270 (+0)

POSH total spent: 44,482.547 (+0)
ZING total spent: 8,165 (+5,175)

Debt: ~50,200 (+11,400)

Game development has moved along nicely, logic implementation is complete and we're fixing some last things before inviting a few people over to catch some potential bugs and start working on the first version of balancing for the open alpha. In the meantime, we're spending quite a lot of funds for artwork, 2d creatures and evolutions, 2d nft items, their versions for the starter sale opening animations and website inventory and slowly but surely creating the creatures and healers into 3d to insert into the game which has worked great so far.


48,468 (+16,691) Hive from curation rewards
1,468 (+710) Hive from beneficiary rewards (posts on @holozing)


3.361M -> 3.688M (+327k)

All amounts are in Hive.

POSH claimdrop ratio

This section will reflect the amount POSH has received in Zing through claimdrops based on its amount spent and current Zing price relative to Hive. Current price won't be the indicator as to when the POSH claimdrop halts, rather we'll calculate an average price of Zing over its lifetime so the stats below are volatile.

Do note that in previous estimations we only calculated the zing @poshtoken has received and will be rectified now by including Zing all POSH holders have claimed. Also do note that staking rewards are included for @poshtoken which shouldn't be, a more exact amount will be calculated as we get closer to the finish line for the POSH Zing claimdrop.

Zing claimed by @poshtoken: 1,201,998 (+325,414) (includes staking rewards)
Estimated zing claimed by all POSH holders: 2,400,000

Hive spent by POSH: 44,482.547 (+0)
Current Zing price: 0.015 Hive/Zing (+0.008)

If 0.015 Hive/Zing is the median price, the cutoff will happen at around 2,965,503 Zing claimed by POSH holders. Currently we're at 80.9% without having removed staking rewards from the equation yet.

Keep in mind these numbers are volatile and the POSH claimdrop could end sooner or later than expected, we'll announce when we're nearing the end with exact numbers.

Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing

Official Hive community:
Peakd - Hive.blog - Ecency - inLeo
Twitter/X --- Reddit --- Discord

Witnesses involved in @holozing if you'd like to support them with your vote:

Post rewards sent to @zingtoken for development.


Just a feedback: I believe that most of the unique visitors of the website are looking for further information there, just like me a month ago. The web suggests the game is already playable, or at least this bit:

I found myself a tad puzzled when I couldn't find any way how to purchase the creatures, access the inventory or even start playing anyhow. And yet I already have a Hive account. It may be even more puzzling for somebody outside this ecosystem, who would create an account just to learn that there's no public version of the game yet.

Great feedback, thanks. It's been brought up a few times and we have plans to add and edit a lot of things on the website before the starter sale.

As a digital marketer, I can tell you that having a blog section with what's new content is a good experience for users (who will learn to seek your website out as a destination for inside info) and will help you with current key word content which will constantly stack the deck for SEO. As an added bonus, Links to AND from blog posts on the website will add up and attention from other platforms (twitter/redit etc) will be funneled to our favourite blockchain.

Great feedback from our good friend @godfish too.

Thanks for rephrasing the feedback to sound like it came from a pro ;)

Haha! Any business should be looking for end user/client experience so your perspective should be the primary objective. I love to kill multiple birds with the same stone and SEO is a marathon. So, content is king and all of those reasons add up to your suggestion of new content constantly at a manageable pace.

Great points! Definitely something we wanna add to the website in the near future! Thanks

Anything I know as a gamer for decades and digital marketer as a profession for a few years now is yours. Happy to consult and feedback and pull on that rope.

I'm happy to hear that :)

btw, just noticed you were my 32,000th follower! here's a little hive :D

Oh, lucky me! Thanks :))

It is possible that I am responsible for all of the clicks coming from Canada! ;)

Love the transparency with the updates and thinking of things from the financial perspective for the game and our blockchain as well as ramping up to release. Also inspired me to scoop up some POSH over the last while too.


Overall stats are looking good except for some addition on debt but I hope this will be taken care of as we move towards the sale. Any date finalised for the first sale?

Not yet no, we'll be announcing it.

This is looking good. The amount of visitors are still increasing, and just today I saw more people joining and delegating HP. It will be interesting to see these increase even further as we get closer to the sale and alpha. I'd like to think that some players will just buy Zing from the market since they weren't able to get in early.

Numbers seem to be looking pretty good for what you have so far. For sure one of the more successful pre- pre launches lol The real tell will be how the pack sales start to go which seems like it should be coming soon! I'll for sure be picking up a number of those.

Holozing is one of the most promising games on Hive.

Glad to have it, waiting for the time to spend my hours on it 🔥

Thanks for the information.
The increase in traffic to the site is pleasing. I think this is the most revealing point of statistics

no alpha? D: wen starter sale, wen open alpha hah

o.o why do u think so. game not yet out looks good already. lets not doubt it so fast

no idea waht the psyberx backstabbing is o.o. based off what copyright and franchise? if anything I think i read about psyberx being a slow rug :x


This is an awesome update and a wonderful development to see holozing grow.

Good to see that the project continues to grow 👏👏👏

I trust my Nigerian brothers and sisters to be hot on this project!

This is amazing report. @holozing is growing bigger every day. Congratulations to this amazing game community

This is an outstanding report with great increase.
The more, more work is done, the more we have many visitors in the website.
Congratulations for the achievements so far

Super cool, stats are growing, more people are signing up. We are ready for lift off :)

Thanks for the update! Always find the finances/spending/earning figures insightful!

A very nice almost 50,000 Hive earned each month from hive curation! That is a perfect runway to develop the game, imho. I think the overall sentiment of the people that have delegated hive onto you and are staking ZING daily is... Well... Wen. XD

oh that is great! the increase in page views means a lot of people is interested in the game right?

or they just like claiming often :D

wow! thats a huge earning just from curation rewards! congratulation!

Transparent and beautiful data. I didn't like Turkey's glazing. I should let more people know.

Thanks for the vital information and report. With the report, it is obvious we are not alone in this journey.

Keep rockin' the ZING! 💪😎

In my opinion there is very good growth, for a game that has not yet started, things are going well. Once everything starts we will see how the statistics move, especially in the new users that join Hive to play.

Thank you for sharing this detailed information.

Once again, Holozing is one of the most promising games on Hive.

People are liking this project a lot and as soon as this game comes out people will invest more money on it and give delegations so we will see within the next time this game will be popular all over the world and all over the world. People will love to play it.

wow, project growing at high speed, waiting for the game to launch soon...


Nice grow up, congrats🎉🎊 have a good move

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @claudio83, @acidyo ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

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Feedback from the January Hive Power Up Day
Announcing the Winners of HiveBuzz's Yearly Author Badge for 2023!

Good job . It was a good numbers ;).

Congratulations @holozing! Your post has been a top performer on the Hive blockchain and you have been rewarded with this rare badge

Post with the highest payout of the day.

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Feedback from the January Hive Power Up Day
Announcing the Winners of HiveBuzz's Yearly Author Badge for 2023!

Contributing to the development of @holozing, an upcoming adventure game in the Hive ecosystem, creating value and generating tokens for the future.

Holozing is really going places and this is just actually the starting point

The stats looks very bullish 👌

So excited! Let's roll!

Unique visitors have increased by about 16k in the last 3 weeks with total pageviews up to 180k from 115k.

This is good news.

HP delegation to @zingtoken is also growing.

Great, I appreciate what is going on here but I am a kind of not knowing the starting point of holozing, posh, posh token, reddish and the rest, so it seems confusing to me.


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

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Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 6


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

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