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RE: Liquidity provided Zing

Often in developing projects and especially in Defi projects, project creators leverage the FOMO effect and fuel it.

Like always, don't make any drastic decisions to FOMO in or do something you may regret, this project has just started and is expected to have over 100M tokens after a year in circulation.

I am a simple player and I don't know how much my consideration can be worth for you but the more I read your posts about this project and read your advice, the more my esteem and respect for you and the holozing project increases

I will definitely add liquidity to the pool because in my own small way I want to support this project even though the value of the token will weigh on the amount I add to the pool.

I have a question:
Do ZING tokens in pending unstaking status continue to be considered for airdrop until unstaking actually occurs or not?

!discovery 20
@tipu curate


I think 1/4th of it does not account for the staking rewards, cause total amount staked is lowered when you start an unstake, but the other 3/4th should still give you staking rewards until after a week when the first 25% is liquidated and it starts the next cooldown.

Appreciate the kind words!