Sculpture of Woolio Clay

in Holozing Communitylast month (edited)

Hey everyone. I hope you all are doing well. I remember when the new character in @Holozing was defined. And I was so excited 😆 to draw it or to make something art on it. But I was injured due to an accident. But today I was feeling better. So I decided to make clay sculptures of Woolio. I have not made yet any clay art. So I had no experience. But I try my best.

Material required

•Wet Clay


•Sharp needle

•Water colors



First of all, I mixed water in dy clay and made it wet. After mixing it well, I made a round thick circle of clay. And then I picked my middle and made the sculpture.

After that, I picked up my knife and started to separate the extra clay. As it was wet, so extra clay was removed easily. I remove it according to the pattern. I merged the edges with a wet knife.

After all this process, I put my sculpture in the sunlight. So it would dry. After a wait of 5 hours, my structure was dried. So I take it and sit at my table.

Now I started to color it. First of all, I picked my 5 no brush and opened the yellow color. I mixed it with an orange shade. So I give its face a perfect shade. Also, I colored the cloudy part of the wool.

Here, I wait for a while and let it dry. After drying, I started to fill the extra part. Filled a leaf shape with a yellow color. And some with an orange shade.

So my Woolio was about to be ready. Now the only thing left was to color its facial features. So I picked my thinnest brush and filled its eyes, nose, and mouth with black shade.

Finally, here is the final look.

Some more shots

I hope you will love my post. I will come soon with new content. Thanks to @acidyo for providing us with such beautiful opportunities. Allah Hafiz. Stay safe. Stay alive.


For a reason I don't know, this video isn't playing from my end. I tried using other front ends to view, yet , it's still not loading. However, from what I can see in this post, it's a nice try... beautiful art work you laid your hands on representing one of the holozing creatures.
Well done, @moaz-sabir


I also see now. It's not working. I will try to fix it. Thanks

It's not playing at my end either, I think something is wrong with the link.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nkemakonam89(1/5) tipped @moaz-sabir

cool clay art

Keep up the good work 👍🏼

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Still have not been able to fix the video link I guess, your clay art came out beautiful, and I hope the video link will come up, it would be cool to see the process of making it in the video.

I don't know why but it is not working.

Hi moaz, it's always good to see your creative work. I was just scrolling and then I saw your creativity that you made woolie with clay. Amazing bro !

Aaah this was enough for me that you see my post. My owner sir. 😍😂

@moaz-sabir where did you learn to make all these arts? This turned out so beautiful, your talent is superb dear, keep up the good work. If I were close I would have come for you to teach me 😁

You have a niche here and you are doing well in it. I used to play clay when I was with my grandmother. She was a potter. I learned the introductory stage of pottery while with her.

I love what you are doing. This art is good in preserving history and communication. Keep it up.