Glasses case with Holozing project badge

Hello friends of the holozing community, good evening to all, I hope you are resting, I hope you have had a good day, I want to share a glasses case that I made to take care of them and prevent damage, in addition to making my case I wanted to customize it with the insignia of the beloved Holozing community, pasting it on the front of the case, also I made something similar to a labeling, as if the badge fell and was captured there, so the rays around it.


Materials I used for my lens case:


Next we are going to make our case:
First we will start by cutting out a frame according to the size of our glasses and we will make a perfect case.


Then we will fold the foamis or frame in two, and we will mold the bottom part with the scissors, cutting the base to be round friends


In this next step we will take our piece, add silicone on the edge and glue edge to edge forming similar to a cylinder or cover.


To make the bottom part of the case so that the lenses do not come out, we will continue folding one edge of the case towards the center, adding silicone and gluing forming the base.


Friends Then we are going to cut the lid of the case, we cut similar to a square, in the center that is semi-round where the lock will be located to open and close the case.


Then we glue on top the piece or the lid of our case as you can see.


When the case is ready, we will make the logo of the holozing community, I will draw a pattern of a letter Z, I will mark it on the dark blue foamis and cut it out carefully, then we glue in both corners some colors similar to the one of the ingsinia, touching up the edges with colored pencils.


Next in this step we will glue the Holozing community logo in the center.


To finish with the design we are going to take a black pencil and we will make some rays around it, so that it is very original and striking.


Friends This is the final result of my beautiful glasses case with the Holozing project logo, the photos are my property, I took them with my tecno spark 10c, greetings to all, good night.
