Fanart of Female Ocean Healer

in Holozing Community23 days ago


Hello everyone,

How are you all? I have come up with a new piece of my artwork. This time, I drew Female Ocean Healer in the form of a super girl.

Why in the form of a supergirl? I like Supergirl's costume and her angry, heroic look, so I tried to create that in my art.

I'm not a professional artist. To get ideas, I look at art from various sites. This is what I always do. For all the art on my blog, I try to mention where I got the idea from. In the case of this piece, I did the same. I took source my inspiration from this artwork. I planned and drew my art based on that.

I do not copy art completely, as you can see from my work. I thank the character in a different position and style. My art is quite simple. I used Illustrator software to draw it and incorporated more than 3 colors: white, aqua, and black. These three colors are in the original Female Ocean Healer artwork.

I have included a GIF here showing some of the processes of my art. Let me know how you like it and if you have any comments on how to improve it. Thanks!

anigif 1.gif