Reddit Outreach, $ZING Goals, and Tracking Progress

in Holozing Community6 months ago (edited)

In this post, I just want to share the status of my Reddit outreach, a comparison of goals in token accumulation and account progress.

Reddit Outreach

As I share one Holozing article on Reddit daily, my strategy is to start with the old ones first for readers to have an overview of the game and its progress. However, sharing the most recently published article, I could hardly catch up because of their increasing number. I have to be selective, therefore. I think I am nine days late when it comes to the latest update.

Last night, as I shared on #dbuzz my excitement due to the number of views of a one-day-old Holozing post, I was reminded by @acidyo to "take it with a grain of salt." Anyhow, despite the unreliability of such a number, I will just go on with this outreach activity as the game is preparing for its launch.

So far, the two-day-old Holozing article I shared on Reddit has 589 views:

35-589 Views.png

The article that I shared yesterday has 371 views:

36-371 Views.png

And finally, the article about Capture Logic that I shared ten hours ago got 163 views so far:

37-163 Views.png

Comparing Goals and Tracking Progress

Among numerous strategies shared in the community, the three articles that caught my attention are those published by @rubilu, @mango-juice, and @alokkumar121.

Reflecting on his one-month journey, @rubilu shared that initially, he was indifferent. However, after reading the technical introductory post, he changed his mind and decided to delegate 500 HP to the Zing token account. Later, he increased his delegation to 1,000 HP. His goal at that time was to reach 2,000 staked $ZING. I think by now, he already achieved this goal, and perhaps, in the coming days, we will hear from him an update about his new target.

@mango-juice's article was also published ten days ago. There he outlines his experience and strategies for increasing his stake. Just like most of us, he too is excited about the growing popularity of the game though it is still in its preparation stage. At that time, he shared earning 7,300 $ZING tokens and he was aiming to reach 10,000, bigger than @rubilu's goal. As I checked his account on BeeSwap, he too already exceeded his goal. This tells us that @mango-juice is very positive about the potential of Holozing.

Lastly, @alokkumar121's article was also published almost on the same day. His stake is bigger. At that time, he was able to accumulate 14,000 $ZING. By this time, I think he is now close to 20,000. Just like the previous article, he also shared his observation about the positive response of the community and the several ways to earn the token.

My Strategy and Target

It is good to see how Hivians respond to Holozing. In this way, we can learn from each other. In my case, though I acknowledge that sentiments rule the market, still I use the development of the base price of the token as my guide. As of 26, October, we read that the base price was 0.001333 SWAP.HIVE. And then on 25th November, though the price declined, still the base price of 0.00366 was 174.56% higher than the previous base. Of course, as we are told the increase in HP delegation is correlated to the increase in the base price. Last 04 Dec, the price went down to 0.0139 and immediately bounced back to 0.018.

As of today, I already sold 400 $ZING and earned a total of 13.72 SWAP.HIVE. As you can observe in the chart below, the price of the token when I initially sold it was 0.0586. After 5 weeks, the price of the token declined to 0.021.

DateQuantityMarket PriceSWAP.HIVETotal
05 November500.05862.832.83
12 November500.073.56.33
19 November500.03281.647.97
26 November500.0311.559.52
03 December2000.0214.213.72

Checking both the buy/sell orders on the market, the current market price is:

  • Buy Price = 0.0168

  • Sell Price = 0.0164

If the current distribution of the $ZING token and its price remain stable, it means that by receiving 127 tokens per day, I am earning 2.2 $HIVE every day. That's 66.6 $HIVE every month or 24.64 USD or 1,362 PHP. Not unless my computation is mistaken, I never anticipated that delegating HP to @zingtoken would be this profitable.

Returning to our observation of the market price of the token, out of 551,000 additional $ZING from inflation for the past two days, we observe where those tokens go:

  • 410 to stakes

  • 120,000 to the liquidity pool,

  • and 21,000 to personal wallets

These numbers tell us that the sentiment now is to grow the liquidity pool. Though a small portion goes to wallets, this small quantity creates selling pressure. In my case, I will be waiting two to three weeks more before adding to the liquidity pool. I want to see the price stabilize first and the trend toward staking and adding liquidity to the pool to continue. In that case, I have to buy back the $ZING tokens I sold.

Grace and peace!


Am getting the point clearer. You have instill in me the reason to join this community

That's good. Start by delegating HP to @zingtoken.


I wonder why the #gmfrens bot no longer replies to your comments for the use of the tag. 🤔

Maybe you told it before to stop doing so, and then you just forgot. 😆😅


Maybe #gmfrens is telling me to stop mining.


Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

Credit: reddit
@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Maybe you told the #gmfrens before to discourage you from mining, and you just forgot about it. 🤔😆😅

I really love video games where you go for an deep sea adventuring.
They're just so immersive.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


Perhaps, that's the case.


I don't know why I can't fit this upside boat on my head
It is clearly capsized.

Credit: reddit
@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg



Looks like emptiness made you think that you don't need reminders from the GM bot! 🤔😆😅


What did the Buddhist say at the sandwich shop?
Make me one with everything.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester
