My Zing Accumulation Update and Thoughts about The New Holozing Creatures

in Holozing Community4 months ago


Images & Logo Sources owned by Holozing- Modified by @saydie

Hello future Healers! @saydie here bringing you another Holozing content.

It's been a month since I last made a post with my improved Holozing Dividers, adding the evolved form of the starter creatures and making the border lines to have the Holo effect on them. This time, I thought that I should share my thoughts about the newly revealed Holo creatures as they belong to a completely new creature type. At the same time, I might as well give an update for my $ZING token accumulation.


Zing Token Update


When I made my last post, the amount of $ZING that I have staked on my account was around 3k $ZING but in just 1 month, it has reached more than 5k $ZING, a 67% increase from before but at the same time, you can see that I have neither increase the amount of HP that I delegated which is what my initial strategy for my token accumulation. My explanation for that is that I purchased some $ZING in the market when Hive have reached $ 0.48 and I have so happen to have some liquid Hive in my wallet. Since the project have started, the price of Hive has remained around $ 0.3 range which made me reluctant to buy more as well as that there was not much tokens in the market before but as the supply of $ZING continue to increase, their value decreases as they currently have no utility yet so if the value of Hive increase as the value of $ZING deceases is the opportunity I'm waiting to buy more into it.

With this, I am just 10k $ZING away from that goals that I set in the beginning of this year so I hope that Bitcoin has continue to carry the price of Hive to go up more so I can maybe perhaps exceed the initial goals that I set.


Thoughts About the New Holo Creature

It has been more than a week since the latest Holo creature reveal so I know that I've been kind of late with this but as they say, "better late than sorry", and if there is probably a person that was most excited to know what will be the first ice type creature, I think it would be me so I made a design for the creature type logo for the Ice and Bug type creature though the actual logo for them might be much different from my design.

Bug Creature Symbol
Ice Creature Symbol
This was my own version of the creature type logo and is not made by the Holozing development team but for those who want to use it as placeholder for their post, feel free to use them.

To start with, the news of an ice type Holo was something that was not revealed recently, it has been teased ever since the since the first batch of Healers have been shown to us on this post telling that it synergizes with the Ocean Healer. So now, aside from Walle and its evolved form Waller, we now have 2 creatures available for the Ocean Healer with the addition of the new ice type creature and its evolved form.

Ocean Male (Default Skin)
Ocean Female (Default Skin)




Creature Name
Creature Type
Healer Synergy
Ocean Healer
Strong Against
Grass, Ground, Flying Creature
Weak Against
Fire, Rock Creature

The name of the first ice type creature was Zingu and his appearance was similar to a baby Penguin but what distinguishes it apart from them was its flippers where the bottom half of it was made of ice and an ice crystal on its forehead which apparently where its abilities will be coming from. Just like the previous creatures, its maintains the same cuteness for its base form and when the time that I first saw it, what comes to my mind was "When it comes to ice type Holo, you can never go wrong with a Penguin." When it comes to battle, it has the advantage against Grass, Ground and Flying creatures so that will be Wrackoo and Chirple while we do not yet a creature for the Ground type. As for its weakness, it will be vulnerable against for a Fire Holo like Infurno and Rock type creatures but just like Ground, there was no creature yet for the rock type.



Creature Name
Creature Type
Healer Synergy
Ocean Healer
Strong Against
Grass, Ground, Flying Creature
Weak Against
Fire, Rock Creature

As for its evolved form, Zingu becomes Zinguini where its design takes inspiration from a Macaroni Penguin. Aside from becoming more imposing, its flippers have completely transform into a blade of ice while the crystal on its forehead has become a crown. Not only that, its feet has now turn into sharp claws which can do normal attacks. I think this was made to balance the creatures so that even if they were weak against a certain type of monster, they can still inflict significant amount of damage to them which makes it possible to win on disadvantageous battles. I have some concerns though. "With is Flippers completely turned to ice, will it be possible for it to hug anyone?"


And that was my initial thoughts for ZINGU and ZINGUINI, the first Ice- type creature in the game. Aside from it what we also learn from the post was that on the next batch of creature reveals, we will saw the first bug type creature whose apparently can use poison abilities, 2 normal type creatures where one evolves into an Electric type while the other one was kept as a secret to be guess and with the information that we had for the other creature type that was not revealed yet, this Normal type could probably Evolved into either the Ground or the Rock type.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!

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I am not a financial advisor and this is not a financial advice. Always DYOR and invest what you can afford to lose.
All image belongs to Holozing.


I was very excited about Zingu. It was nice seeing the very first Ice creature.

They say more holo will come for the next reveal..