
Hi! Really happy you're covering Holozing, but please be aware that this is an English-focused community. We have plenty of Spanish (and other speakers), but we ask that everyone provide translations in English. Thanks!

¡Hola! Estoy muy feliz de que estés cubriendo Holozing, pero ten en cuenta que esta es una comunidad centrada en el inglés. Tenemos muchos hablantes de español (y otros), pero les pedimos a todos que proporcionen traducciones en inglés. ¡Gracias! (google translate)

Done. I have already included the translation. I added a video with subtitles
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Great video, watched it with the automated subtitles. (noticed late you had added another version, lol) Glad to hear you know a lot about POSH and encourage people to share posts! Have a post waiting to share some news about that soon as we got word and the go ahead from a few communities and dapps here on hive, you may want to check it out when it's posted. :D

Thanks for taking the time!

I will be attentive to inform my community, thank you.

I saw the video last night when it came out, I found it interesting I didn't know it already had so much development and also that the token is as easy as delegate, I will wait to get out of the pd to delegate something and make my publication hehe

Se ve que lo están desarrollando y están muy activos. En cambio Ragnarok brilla por su ausencia

It can be seen that they are developing it and are very active. On the other hand, Ragnarok is conspicuous by its absence.

The token has a strong potential and the best thing I believe now is just to follow the trend of Fomo and hodl

You can tell they thought of giving it a lot of utility within the game. I prefer this way, a single token with a lot of utility, than 20 tokens like Splinterlands.

Amigo muchísimas gracias por esto , un vídeo muy completo con relación a todo lo que conlleva este proyecto tan prometedor. A pesar que estoy interesada en muchos aspectos y sobre todo el artístico, también me interesaba saber más y aportaste mucho. Voy a pasarle tu video a varias personas.

Saludos @splinterdany

Que genial, gracias. Creo que este token puede peguar un subidón después de su lanzamiento. Veremos que sucede