Amazing price stability of ZING

Hello, my dear Hive fellows; I hope you are doing well and enjoying each day with your complete engagement. As we, the hive community, already know the Hive Blockchain is a leader in the area of blockchain-based games. Holozing is one of the newest games on the Hive blockchain. It's a role-playing game that breaks new ground and has quickly gained a lot of community interest. The Holozing Community has acquired huge participation since its introduction, and people are quite thrilled about the numerous activities here. Some activities, such as backdrop design, creating your own characters, post dividers, and so on, are taking place with the active participation of the authors and creators.

Holozing, a role-playing game on the Hive blockchain, has sparked considerable attention owing to its novel concept and fair token distribution. The in-game currency, ZING coin, is fast developing and has extended the community's curiosity. The current BSC chain operation has strengthened the idea by merging tokenomics with the renowned Binance Smart Chain (BSC), establishing a robust investment industry. The future healers and starter pack components, as well as a peek of the 3D character in the X network, have already been released by the community. Due to tremendous selling pressure, the price of the ZING token has remained constant, assuring the game's bright future. Rewards from ZING STAKING are the sole free money, encouraging members to stake their tokens, increasing demand and limiting supply. Despite intense selling pressure, the price stays stable, suggesting that the game has a bright future.

The price stability of ZING is far ahead of what I thought, and the holding capacity is insane. The previous price level of the token was more than a cent, and it has drastically fallen to a 1 cent level, which is becoming very slow with the increasing circulation. In conventional phenomena, the growing circulating supply is crucial for decreasing the price point, but here, we can observe the opposite behavior.

Also, the price level is decreasing much slower in the sub-cents area as the price has touched the $0.004 level, and the price has bounced back to the $0.0055 level, which has been sustaining for the last couple of weeks, which is ensuring great support from the community and opportunity to shine in the future.

The daily new ZING token entering into circulation is about 300000, which is a huge number, but most of it is in staked form, though many participants are using the unstaking option to cash out with the liquid reward of 40000 ZING every day. But the price is showing a positive move in the upward direction, which is attracting more people to invest in the game.

Currently, 19.13 million ZING tokens are in the sphere, of which around 15.01 million ZING is staked, and almost 3.2 million ZING is locked in the liquidity pool; thus, very few ZING tokens are circulating in the market place which is helping ZING to keep the price level to hold tightly.

It is necessary to be concerned about the price level and the
engagement in the project with the engagement in the liquidity pool and the token staking. And all of these aspects are very positive for the Holozing game. And so, I am completely all in the project and hoping for a great future with the coming bull cycle in the crypto world.

Whatever the strategy is, I want to proceed with a focused and precise estimate of everything critical for investing in various initiatives. I will never invest more money than I can afford to lose. I'm thrilled to be a part of this wonderful experience, and I welcome everyone to join me in exploring the possibilities of Holozing. We can work together to build a vibrant and profitable gaming community and participate in something really special.

Why are you delaying? Begin earning rewards by delegating your HP to @zingtoken and staking your ZING tokens right now! My personal achievement of staking 9500 ZING tokens illustrates my belief in the future of HoloZing. I welcome you to add your own tales of your Holozing experiences and let's work together to make this incredible community even better.

So, what is your plan regarding Holozing? What are your thoughts about the future aspects? Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or info about my thoughts. Please let us know in the comments; it will help us in our mutual growth. Thank you for your time and attention.
Have a nice day.

For further information about Holozing, you can visit the following links-

Official Website -

Hive account -

Delegation account -

Twitter/X account -

Whitepaper -

All the images produced by me with the available resources of the Holozing game.



Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger?
He wanted something *meteor*.

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