[ESP/ENG] ・:,。゚・Chirpily vs Articuno (fanart crossover)・:,。゚・

¡Hola amigos! ¿Como están?

Hello friends! How are they?

・:,。゚・El día de hoy quiero mostrarles otro fanart crossover que he realizado sobre Holozing x Pokemon. En este caso he decidido dibujar a Chirpily-Radiant vs Ariticuno, así que sin mas que decir espero que les guste・:,。゚・

・:,。゚・Today I want to show you another crossover fanart that I have made about Holozing x Pokemon. In this case I have decided to draw Chirpily-Radiant vs Ariticuno, so without further ado I hope you like it・:,。゚・


・:,。゚・Como siempre, primero realizare mis estructura y luego las detallare・:,。゚・

・:,。゚・As always, I will first make my structure and then I will detail them・:,。゚・

・:,。゚・Ahora comenzare a pintar empezando por Chirpily・:,。゚・

・:,。゚・Now I will start painting starting with Chirpily・:,。゚・




🃑・:,。゚・Esto es todo por hoy, espero que les haya gustado tanto como a mi y que tengan un excelente dia. Nos vemos en mi siguiente post ¡BYE!・:,。゚・🃟

🃑・:,。゚・This is all for today, I hope you liked it as much as I did and that you have a great day. See you in my next post BYE!・:,。゚・🃟

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I want to congratulate you for your incredible work and dedication – your efforts truly inspire and elevate our entire community!

@wellingt560 Thank you very much!


@zingtoken Thank you very much for rating my post!