Bringing the Forest to Life: My Forest Healer Fanart.

in Holozing Community29 days ago (edited)

Hi guys, it's another day to showcase my little skills in design, and today, I decided to try another holozing creature, which is the forest healer. The forest healer is part of the holozing gaming creature that was launched by the holozing team, and today I decided to do a little change to the original design of the holozing creature by giving it another shirt and making it look more like a jacket, and I added the forest healer barge that was originally given to it. I added a little touch to the background of my fan art design due to the little idea I was able to generate when doing this design.

I did a little of a background color change by giving the background the same color as the jacket and adding some Little grass touches to make the fan art look more good. Likewise, I will be sharing the process of making this design, from the steps I used to make the design to the final design.

The final design of the forest healer.