The Holozing growth strategy that has worked for me

in Holozing Community28 days ago (edited)

As I claim my zing tokens my thoughts drift back to the start of my holozing journey.

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Source: my holozing dashboard

I had heard about holozing as a play2earn game that was being developed on the hive block chain and initially curiosity led me to the project site.
I discovered it is a game inspired by pokemon and playing it would involve being able to own a character which would be similar to having your own pokemon and one would be able to feed it, tame and train it.

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This idea got me hooked to the game community. Along the way I discovered the various aspects of the game and how one could earn the zing tokens which are the native tokens of the holozing game and its entire ecosystem.

Even today I like so many community members of the Holozing game ecosystem like to claim my zing tokens on a daily basis.
While a lot of users may claim once a day or once every two to three days I like to claim my zing tokens a couple of times a day.

This activity reminds me of an interesting story I have known for years. I even refer to my zing token claiming approach governed by the Hare and the tortoise strategy.

Is there such a thing called hare and tortoise strategy?

That is an interesting question. To answer this question let me tell you a story which I had heard as a child.

In a jungle lived a hare and a tortoise. Once they had a difference of opinion and the argument accelerated into a heated debate. The hare was smart and quick so it thought of a way to settle the fight once and for all.
He challenged the tortoise for a race to the end of the jungle and back.
This could hardly be a fair race as the hare is fast and quick and runs a lot quicker than the tortoise.
That is the opinion that most of those who came to know about the race had.

Yet to the surprise of everyone around the tortoise accepted the challenge. Comparing the speed of the tortoise and the hare, everyone thought that the hare was the faster of the two and would be easily able to defeat the tortoise.
As the slow pace of the tortoise would be no match for the hare.

The odds were clearly stacked against the tortoise

Thus most animals of the jungle believed that it was a one sided race and the tortoise was no match for the speed and the agility of the hare.
Yet the tortoise was determined not to back out of the race.
Perhaps he thought he even had a chance to win it. Who knows what was going through his mind as he kept to himself without talking much about the race.

The day of the race saw a confident hare that could win hands down

It did not even practice as he believed he could merely walk instead of running and still beat the tortoise by a mile.

The hare was fast and known for his speed and looking at the speed of the tortoise he too believed that he would win easily.

He was even surprised that the tortoise showed up for the race.

As expected when the race started the hare darted out and in no time it was out of sight. The tortoise was slow but steady. It was determined to cover the entire distance of the race.
So it marched on.
The hare was confident that it was going to win the race so after taking the lead it though of taking some rest and spotted a tree.
Below the shade of the green canopy of the tree the hard sat down to relax. It was summer time and soon the hare fell asleep. He has nothing to worry about as he was fast and the favourite of everyone around.

On the other hand the tortoise kept moving towards the destination. After a few hours of moving ahead he found the hare sleeping under the tree.
He smiled and moved on. The race was long and arduous yet he moved on towards his destination and his determination saw him win the race.

My race is different

It does not matter how big or small your account may be. All that matters is your determination to grow and reach your goals.
Thus here I am working towards my individual goals.
It is good to see some of the bigger accounts which are ahead of me. They surely serve as a dollops of inspiration. However my race is with myself and I chug along claiming my zing tokens multiple times a day.

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Even at the current rate there are some amazing opportunities to earn zing tokens

  • Zing token staking currently gets APR of 17.87%
  • HP delegation would bring in a return of 15.22%
  • The liquidity pool give a handsome APR of 32.32%
    This keeps me interested in the holozing growth opportunity. I want to accumulate as many Zing tokens as I can before the game is launched so that I can make the most of the opportunity both as a player and as an investor.

Final thoughts

Starting from almost nothing to now having 12K Plus zing tokens has been an interesting journey with plenty of learnings and takeaways.
The earlier APR was super juicy

old apr.jpg
The current APR is not bad either.

This may be a milestone, however I am the tortoise who has to determine his own pace so I keep moving ahead looking forward to claiming each zing token that helps me reach closer to the goal of climbing up the ladder of the zing token holders rich list.

To join the project and grow feel free to use my link

For more information feel free to connect with the project and the team using the links below

Official Website -

Hive account -

Delegation account -

Twitter/X account -

Whitepaper -

Happy holozinging folks!

To know more about the project

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Not too bad! That's a nice bag you have stacked. I'm hoping the game does great, it would be a huge boost for our Hive community! I really need to put some in the LP for some better rewards!