Holozing Water Whale fanart

Greetings to everyone in the holozing community. I do hope you're having a great day just like I am. I am excited that I made this art, and I am even more excited to share it.

I decided to make a fan art of the water whale.

Lately, I've come to really like the water whale and I think it's a really cool creature. This time, I decided to make a version of it smiling, while adding some cool features, while also showing a different perspective of the water whale. We're so used to the serious version of the water whale and I decided that this time, we could use a more fun, cheerful version.

I used my Ibis Paint X app during the entire process of making this art.


Step 1

First, I sketched the outlines. I drew the head with the features it contains. I focused on the mouth and the eyes. Then I went on to draw the fins. From there, I moved on to the tail (caudal fin). I decided this time to show the tail raised up. All the sketching was done with the soft brush tool on my ibis paint X app.

Step 2

After drawing, I began painting. First I started with the eye. Using the gap tool and the filler tool, I painted the outer layer of the eye with a shade of the pink color and the inner layer with a black color. Next, I painted some parts of the body, including the head, the fins and the tail, with a shade of blue.

Step 3

I moved on to finish painting the body. I pained the mouth with the same color I used for the outer part of the eye, a shade of pink. You can see the tongue in the mouth if you look close enough. At this point, it was already looking like a happy, cheerful water whale. Next, I painted the remaining part of the body (majorly the under part) with a bright brown color. I also used the gap tool and the filler tool during this painting process.

Step 4

I began adding the bright blue outline on parts of the body. As you can see, I applied the bright blue outline on the tail and the fins.

Step 5

Next, I decided to give it a light blue background color to represent the water. Obviously, you'll mostly find a whale in the water bodies, so it's only logical to give it a water-related background. After that, the final product was ready.

I think the art is cute yet simple, which makes me like it the more. I had to experiment with a lot of colors in order to try and find the perfect colors for this art. I do hope you like it.

Here is my reference:

Reference link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You did this? This is incredible, now you've left me speechless with your many talents 😔

Thank you very much