in Veterans8 months ago

Good morning, Hive-ians! 😊
Oh, my land, we’ve reached the middle of October already, how did that happen? It’s crazy how fast this spring, summer and fall have been flying by. Well, it’s been another busy week on the homestead. We harvested the last of our sweet peppers earlier in the week, peas, some onions, pumpkins, some spicy Gusto Italiano peppers, and the one red-orange Wicked Ghost were all that were left to harvest on Friday before the start of the Sabbath. As of this morning, there are just a few peas and pumpkins left to harvest and then the gardens will be covered and made ready for the icky white stuff to fall, hopefully not for a month, though most likely we’ll see some in the next couple of weeks as we usually have snow on the ground at the end of October. It’s been cold and wet most of this week, so I don’t have many good pictures, my apologies. 😊I put some (clockwise from top left) Jalapenos, Gusto Italianos, Hungarian Wax, two little Wicked Ghost (far left of the lowest tray on the right), a bunch of what we call Christmas Tree peppers (I can’t remember their actual name, but I’ll try to remember to go find the package and add it if I find it,) beside the WG and a couple of peppers that we grew from some spicy peppers my handsome husband bought at the store, but can’t remember the name of, that we experimented with by planting a couple seeds; a successful experiment for sure, as they produced a nice plant loaded with those little peppers. 😊
I harvested the last of the Sunflowers this week too. 😊
I made some oatmeal/carrot and oatmeal/carrot/chocolate chip muffins from our fresh garden carrots on the barbecue this week. 😊
I also made some carrot/raisin bread with our bounty of carrots, one loaf was gone before supper and I hid the other one in the freezer, so it could survive until the next day 😊
Either Floyd or Pansy laid a pretty pink egg this week, we haven’t figure out which, so now we get tiny pink and green eggs to go with our larger beige, brown and white ones. We think that’s very neat and are looking forward to hatching some out early next year. 😊
I love this time of year as it always adds a bit of colour around the homestead. We have been blessed with a very abundant cucurbit (pumpkins/squash/gourds/zucchini) harvest and we’ve been able to cover the whole length of our rock wall with their bright colours and shared them with some friends and family. 😊
There weren’t any pretty colours in our sunsets this week, just greys, so I thought I’d add this shot I took last week. 😊
Well, that was how things have been going for us here. I hope you have all been safe and healthy and have had an amazing week! I’m grateful to God for blessing us with another week to share with you here. 😊 God bless you all. 😊 Have an awesome week everyone! 😊
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. 😊 Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. 😊

(All photos taken by me or for me by my handsome husband on my Huawei P30 Lite or Samsung S20FE5G.) (https://frostyamber.picfair.com is the address for my Picfair site if anyone’s interested in checking it out.)


I miss getting the little eggs every autumn as the little girls start to lay. I've seen a lot of wooley bears this year, but some were dead. :((

Welcome back lovely lady, thanks for visiting! 😊

Wooley bears, is that what you call the black and red caterpillars there? Our daughter used to see them and yell, "bad fuzzy wuzzy" before stomping on them, whenever she came across one. Poor caterpillars. 😊

The timer just went, time to go check the dog cookies. Chat later! 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

That and the first day an egg hatches in the incubator are my two favourite parts of this life. We get to see so many little cuties around here and that's a blessing I wouldn't trade for a billion dollars...I'm too tired to do all the zeros, so forgive my not typing it out numerically, as I should have. 😊

Okay, the dog cookies are coated and in the dehydrator now. I get to take a short back relaxing break and then it's time to go make some supper. Thankfully, it's going to be a nice easy supper, fried eggs on fresh buns, with some cheese, salt, pepper and seasonings...maybe some onions and peppers, if we're feeling so inclined...me, personally, I'm ready for a nap, but it's too late in the day for a nap now, so I'm out of luck in that department. I guess I might as well go get supper made and then I'll get to relax again until my HH goes out to do the evening chores and I vacuum, five dogs equals so much hair, especially as they switch from summer to winter coats. After that though, then I can go to bed. YAY! 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

I've learned a new thing this year. I never had a strictly indoor cat before. As we move from summer to winter, there's a new phenomenon in my house: cat hair balls. So gross! And Larry is short hair, but he sheds a lot. It's one thing I could do without...

Welcome to my daily struggle. Five dogs shedding and putting on their winter coats makes for a lot of hairballs on my floor, no matter that I vacuum almost every day. 😊

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Thank you very much! 😊

That's great @frostyamber! We're excited to see your commitment to Hive! Keep it up!