Noon clouds ~ Love The Clouds #90

in Love The Clouds4 years ago

Greetings to all my fellow hivers!

Today I'm very pleased to participate in the Love the clouds contest for the very first time.

This image is my entry to round 90 of this pleasant contest. Check out here


Everyone is smiling and happy in our small town today as the sun was out and the white clouds were the glowing more beautifully with the blue sky as the background. Since, after six days we are witnessing this finally here or the sun, blue sky and clouds all together were just a part of our past 😁.

I do love rainy days but not if it rains continuously without evening bothering to pause even for half an hour. Everything needs a change and I believe it's the same with nature 😀

Untitled (4).png


It’s nice you are having sunny weather with the blue sky and a few fluffy clouds. Lovely shot of the clouds.

Thank you Jo .... Preparing for T's hunt right now :D

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