Are These Jets Smoke? Entry to Love The Clouds Contest #163

Hello everyone;

Driving home one afternoon from an errand, looking up the sky were these clouds looking like jet smoke but actually, they were not. These are wispy white clouds on a fine weather day.


Hopefully, the good weather lasts for a longer time so we can go out and enjoy the sun, feeling the cool winds as we walk around and gaze at beautiful surroundings.


May we all have a beautiful weather today and in the days ahead.

Thank you for reading.


Espectacular rastro dejado por los vuelos.

Gracias por tu lindo complido @sacra97

Wow! Yeah it is like a jet plane smoke. You snapped it perfectly.

It means the weather is good based on the cloud formation. Good shot sis

That's a wonderful cloud formation sis! I think it's not a jet's smoke because somewhere e colided hehe

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