Today's quiz: Battle victory

My splendor loving friends

How are you all? I hope everyone is well. I am also very good and healthy with your blessings

Today I won the quiz battle but quiz battle seems to be very difficult for me because I can't play on my own. Here I have to play by following the rules. No, that's why you have to be very careful

I was supposed to use the Air Splendor. The other day's battles didn't seem so difficult to me but today when I went to play the Quiz Battle I was very surprised because I had to use the Splendor that I had to play with or whatever was allowed I had to be the winner. It's a kind of challenge so I tried to win the battles without giving up. In the end I won.

The last battle was a battle of 24 manas which I have come to present to you now. I have enjoyed it a lot and I hope you will like it too.

First use this Mana card

The second uses this Fire Splendor card

The third auto healing uses a card

Using the Splendor card

I used Eath Splendor to finally win, but from the first round to the second round I feel like I have lost ‌ taken but finally won the battle. Here are some screenshots:




I have put the link of the battle here so that you can enjoy the battle. I hope you will like it a lot.
Everyone will be fine and healthy and thank you for visiting my post


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Thanks for sharing! - Legalizabrazil#3575

Nice battle!

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