Rising Star Meme #40 - Crooked RNG!

in Blockchain Gaming ā€¢ 2 years ago

Gotta keep my meme template stash up to date hahašŸ˜


You might have noticed that most of my memes concern newbies, and that's a FACT!
I make these memes and try to shed some light on some of the common beginner mistakes (as I've been one and even done most of them) in a funny way while keeping it informative.

Everything's good

so far your luck is shining bright and you're reaping some great rewards, but once you don't get anything good, (or anything at all in the case of Seasonal Events) you start "doubting". You doubt that the game is 'unfair' or even that Jux has changed the code specifically to punish YOU!!

But that's not true,

we all get emotional and think based on that. Streaks of Good or Bad luck happen - it's RNG's nature. The only thing you can do is to try again and hopefully, your luck hits the spot and you'd get what you want.

I'm talking in general since there are many elements of RNG in Rising Star:

  • Mission Rewards - you might hit lower-than-usual rewards several times in a row!
  • Pack opening - you might not hit even a single Epic in hundreds of packs!
  • Event Cards - you might not get any cards after spamming the mission for a day or two even!!

As for me:

When the bad luck hit for the first time, I did doubt the code and RNG. I was looking for someone to confirm that this occurrence was normal... So here's my confirmation of luck for you all lol

  • Once, I didn't hit a single Epic in +80 packs
  • Didn't get a single event card in 30-40 consecutive tries

On the other hand:

  • I've gotten 3 Epics in 10 Packs
  • Got 3 event cards consecutively once

Moral of the Story

is that no one complains when they're in good luck. (who would? lmao) All the nagging starts when it's going downhill! But, I'm here to assure you that it's perfectly normal.
So keep trying and rising, and most importantly have fun doing so!

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!LUV Even better!

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The NFT based music career game built on HIVE

What did Chris Rock wake up with on his face this morning?

Fresh Prints

Nice meme !1UP

Good one! lol
Cops won't have a hard time finding out who slapped him now šŸ¤£


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