Tough Earth Quest Today


I was pretty happy with my draw today - the Earth quest. I 've got quite a few decent cards for this splinter and thought it would be an easy day at the office, so to speak.


And then I go lose 6 in a row to start off. What a pain that was. Decided to go take a break. Walk around the block and do some other work. Came back and while it wasn't easy, I managed to get the job done with a streak of wins.


Today's rewards were pretty good, I think. Not every day that you can get 740 DEC. The Heatsmith and Conjurer will be added to the collection. I am now deciding whether I should buy potions and open up my packs or let them accumulate as you know they would with the daily rewards.

I know that I should probably let the packs continue to sit. Not like they lose value when they're sitting there but it is so tempting to open them.


WOW off to a rough start, but ended well! congrats on getting 720 Dark energy crystals.

Thanks! It definitely wasn't the sort of start that I was expecting.