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RE: Risingstar | Being thrifty using RSGFam. Ego Problems and Management

in Blockchain Gaming2 years ago

Def needs to be designed still!

The bulk buying isn't random cards - the right column is a running total. When you use the button on the right, you buy that card and every card above it. If you look at the cards on the left as you scroll down, you'll know exactly what cards you're getting

Uniques isn't random cards either - those are cards on the market that you do not currently own (sorted by cheapest). It's the most important metric for the leaderboard in the game. RSGFam compares your collection to what's on the market, finds what you don't have, and shows you the cheapest copy of each thing you don't have

Glad you're finding it useful! Lots more to come... and yes.. one day it will probably get some proper design work... maybe 😆


Thanks for additional info on the specific matters. I just assumed some things so many thanks. Continue the great work!

Will look forward to that "maybe" part of the design! 😅