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RE: Ragnarok - Game Design Document

in Blockchain Gaming2 years ago

There's a lot to go over, so I need to read it again later. Question: on the turn-based actions, what is the time limit?

Something popped in my eyes:

Casting a spell consumes the card

That's meant as in disable it for using it again during the current battle / turn or something like that, right? Otherwise the card is a NFT.


Yes there is a time limit for rounds and an overall time limit for the chess portion. If you use a spell, it is done for the entire match, which means any future battles you have inside that game. However, once a new game starts against a new opponent everything resets to zero, spell wise. Health wise carries over.

If you use a spell, it is done for the entire match, which means any future battles you have inside that game.

Wow! That means spells must be used very carefully and strategically. :)