A Burmese Famous Singers & Famous Song & Playing in Rising Star Game...!

in Blockchain Gaminglast month (edited)

Hello Blockchain Gaming Community.

I would like to share about Burmese Famous singers & Famous Song & playing Rising Star Game.

M Zaw Rain is a prominent Burmese singer-songwriter of the Kachin ethnic group. He was widely recognized as the runner-up in the first season of Myanmar Idol. Following the success of the tour, he released his debut album "Sate" (Mind) on December 15th. Released in 2016. He was recognized for his contributions to Myanmar music and was awarded the most music awards in 2016. At Shwe FM's 7th anniversary celebration, Myanmar Idol Season 1 was released.

Today, let me introduce you to one of M Zaw Rain's most famous songs, not sone rainh kwin. This song is a fan favorite of M Zaw Rain. So let's enjoy the song together.

The Lyrics of song is not sone rainh kwin.

Has time passed and changed?

Has this place become a stranger to you?

I wish you the most beloved in my arms to meet again

Activate the dream with kindness

Do you miss the way home at the right time?

It's been a long time since I've seen you, so you've forgotten?

I excitedly looked up to where he was

I used to see your face like before

Eye to eye meeting with you

Love and conquer all

I will give you a picture of this life, believe me

Only this one will be kind

Step by your side

Pulling the child's hand, I spit

Never leave

This is the last lap..

Today, I finished 6 missions in Risingstar game.

NoNameComplete Mission
3Mid Week Support1
10Shopping Mall Performance1
14Band Auditions1
15Band Rehearsal1
21Record Signing1
24Guitar Lesson1

Now I am Playing Home Town. These mission is Saturday Support.

My game level is 126.
My Ego % is 0.
My Fans is 17384.
My luck is 4248.
My skill has 49496.
My IM has 370.

I owned totally card has 535 cards in.
My Total Missions are 4746.

So I sharing Total Mission below.

NoNameTotal Mission
1Illegal Busking262
2Open Mic Night400
3Mid Week Support236
4Licensed Busking29
5Midweek Headline Slot22
6Saturday Support19
7Saturday Headline97
8Radio Interview222
9Radio Studio Session170
10Shopping Mall Performance133
11Record A Demo70
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent150
13Local Mini Tour Support1086
14Band Auditions188
15Band Rehearsal243
16Egg Hunt3
17A Elfy Dose Of Christmas7
18Make My Heart Race3
19Halloween 202337
20Promote Fan Club41
21Record Signing156
22STARBITS Millionaire100
23Basic Singing Lesson362
24Guitar Lesson105
25Production Lesson170
26Orchestral Lesson104
27Piano Lesson117
28Drum Lesson159

Rising Star Game is my favorite PLAY-TO-EARN Blockchain Game.

see you next day.!