Today's Battle Social Media Platform Challenging Vampire Card.

Hello splinterlands game boyfriend friends.

Good morning, how are you all, I hope you are well and healthy Alhamdulillah I am also well and healthy. Today is the first day of the week for Splinterlands Blog's new challenging work. I hope to add something to the new project.
{Image of the @splinterlands}

Fire Splinterlands is a female vampire whose dragon-like tail chapters and water serpentine spy speed and sharpness which defeats every opponent by defeating its unusual performance. Serpentine Spy Baudi dreams can be surpassed by the push of the express train which is called one eye vampire.


@SerpentineSpy Story has been collected in the chapter @Splinterlands Card Life Story:Serpentines are naturally sneaky, but their highly-trained spies can infiltrate even the most secure bases in the Splinterlands. They wear minimal armor, because they are never caught. Retractable miniature spears are the chosen weapon of the Serpentine Spies; they can be hidden easily and brandished quickly for many uses.

Serpentine Spy describes the general structure

Mana card ------ 3
Power saw --- 3
Label ------ 2
Speed ​​and power ___ 2


Many people are not aware of this splinterlands game in Bangladesh, so I through my Facebook and YouTube. I share all the information of challenging splinterlands on social media on my Twitter secondary. I am always working to spread the splinterlands game.

My Splinterlands user names: @mdsahin111

My splinterlands link: -

This time I will share with you today the Fire Splinterlands Battle which is a combination of different Vampire Dragon Lead melting mountains and these Fire Splendor Cards.

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Fire Splendor Battle Arranged Tactics One to Three Attack Size Six Three Four Tactics Each step will help you go through this game.

Always keep the attack card in front and select the two cards on the side that can resist the attack. He will have two supporting cards


So friends I always share this game on social media this splinterlands game is my very favorite my friends follow me you can join me too.


The rules or functions of the game are presented periodically through my blog, so friends, let's take a look at some of the main interesting cards of today's game.

Today's Battle Link to Winning Fire Splinterlands: -


So friends so far today will see tomorrow. I hope you stay healthy as long as you are well. I always pray that everyone stays healthy and everyone stays. Friends, everyone will support, stay with, comment, like, this is the expectation, may God bless you.

Many thanks to all the curators and friends of Splinterlands Gaming.


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