rtonline cross-posted this post in Blockchain Gaming 2 years ago

My Career is Developing Fast in Rising Star Game. Time to Go to the Acoustic Tent and Surprise the Crowd.

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)


Rising Star is one of the best NFT based games that you can play for free and develop your career by doing missions and earn money by playing. Rising Star, an NFT-based music career game build on HIVE, is a very fun and great game. If you haven't started this game yet, I recommend you to start immediately. You don't need to make any payments to start this game, you just have to have a Hive account. You can start earning right away with the first mission. You will also have a great time doing the quests and you can listen to Rising Star Radio at the same time. I warn you, you may be addicted to this game.


Although it has been a long time since I started the Rising Star Game, I made very rapid progress in the game and now I have reached level 45. It was not easy to reach the 45th level, I did my misions regularly every day and finally got the reward of my effort and reached a very important level. The Acoustic Tent is unlocked when you reach level 45. The doors of the Acoustic Tent are now open for me and I have to go to the Acoustic Tent and show myself and it's a great time to surprise the crowd.


I went to Acoustic Tent for the first time in Rising Star Game and started to do my first mission, after 250 minutes my first mission in Acoustic Tent will be completed. My experience in the game is increasing and my music career is developing, as a result, I am at a local festival in an acoustic tent. Also, by unlocking the Acoustic Tent, I have taken an important step towards unlocking the next zone. Now I just need to unlock Local Mini Tour Support and Band Auditions and complete missions so I can move on to the next zone. My next goal will be to reach level 55 and unlock Local Mini Tour Support

Rising Star Game, an NFT-based music career game build on HIVE, is one of the best games in the NFT market that you can play for free and earn money. If you haven't started this game yet, I highly recommend that you do. But remember, it can be addictive. You can create a free Hive account and start doing missions and earning right away. It's that easy. You can also create an account on leofinance with your twitter account or Metamask wallet. You can start creating an account by clicking the Get Started or Sign Up Link at the top of the page.

There are many missions and features in Rising Star Game that I haven't tried yet, and I'm increasing my experience in the game and improving my account to try them all. Because in order to do the next missions, you have to complete the current missions and level up. I'm already very excited to progress further, level up and do the next missions in the game. I also love listening to Rising Star Radio so the Rising Star game is always open on my computer at my office and at home.

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