Daily Rewards Quest on Splinterlands 12-13-21

in Blockchain Gaming3 years ago


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Hi All,

today i received a snipe quest, which meant that all i needed to do to complete this quest is to use a splinter with the snipe ability. I really love ability quests as I like to pick and choose what element of splinter would work best for an opponent. truly I just love the flexibility.

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you could say today was a rough start. I play every day as soon as I wake up. it took me a total of 14 battles to finish todays quest, all i hope is tomorrow will be abetter day quest wise.

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Although it did take me a long time to actually complete this daily quest. I still got some killer rewards! a pelacore conjurer and a venari crystalsmith. Im still on the hunt for a golden harklaw.


If you are looking for a guild, Look no further! The Black Bulls has openings! grow with us as we progress in the splinter realm. Lets take everything over together!




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