Splinterlands daily reward quest 10-15-21

in Blockchain Gaming3 years ago


Hi All,

I’m so excited to announce that today was the first day that I was actually in the silver three league. I could not be any more excited to receive two chests for today’s daily quest. In fact I was so excited that I was doing the wrong quest LOL, my original quest was a snipe quest. It turns out that I was trying to do a sneak Wes although it was not my challenge so this took me a little bit longer to complete because I didn’t realize I was using the wrong characters.


Once I figured out what my actual challenge was within a couple of battles I was able to complete the snipe challenge. I did not expect silver three to be much harder than bronze one but it seems like the battle conditions are a lot more than bronze one which is almost to be expected as it is a higher league.


Although I did not win any cards today I was so happy not to win any credits.
