Magic Tsunami, Episode 3 - Splinterlands

Water Magic vs Water Anti-Magic

  • When Water Splinter is available I usually go for an ant-magic reflect team made of Death Splinter's Owster Rotwell summoner and probably Bone Golem and The Gorlodon but I went for a more risky strategy-- magic Water Splinter team to get through the extra armor from the battle conditions but with Djinn Oshannus pushed to the far back so they he would hopefully survive to the last rounds of the battle, which was tough since my opponent's Torhilo the Frozen did a great job as an anti-magic tank.

Djinn Oshannus: Water fight? Let's do this!

  • Here's mine and my opponent's line ups, the battle conditions, the summoner and monsters I chose, the start/end of the battle, and the replays.
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.43.04 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.43.12 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.43.32 PM.png
    Summoner - Arlic Stormbringer - Increased Magic for all ally monsters
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.43.48 PM.png
    1st Position - Sea Genie - Flying ability - Increased chance to evade enemy melee & range
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.43.57 PM.png
    2nd Position - Pirate Ghost - Affliction ability - Increased chance to remove the enemy's ability to heal their Health.
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.44.01 PM.png
    3rd Position - Ice Pixie - Flying - Flying ability - Increased chance to evade enemy melee & range
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.44.06 PM.png
    4th Position - Djinn Oshannus - Void ability - Reduced enemy magic damage toward this monster
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.44.15 PM.png
    5th Position - Creeping Ooze - Slow ability - Reduce all enemy Speed
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    Last Position - Axe Master - Double Strike ability - Attack twice.
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.44.31 PM.png
    (Start of battle - above)
    Screen Shot 2021-11-26 at 4.45.31 PM.png
    (End of battle - above)
    Desktop Replay
    Mobile Replay

(Djinn Oshannus enjoying a victory drink)

  • The strategy of pushing Djinn Oshannus to the back truly paid off and he was the 1st position monster when I finally achieved victory. Axe Master did play a large part in destroying the enemies due to his Double Strike ability, him and Silvershield Assassin and Undead Minotaur are monsters especially when they're damage is increased. Although at the end of the battle, I was left wondering if I would've still achieved victory if my opponent had done something similar and pushed his Oshannus closer to the back of his own line.

Image Sources: Splinterlands website, GIPHY website, image sources, and thanks to @saviib for the cool @shortshots sign-off logo below.

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(@shortsegments, @saviib, and myself started a guild--The Black Bulls! Check us out!)
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