Successful Rental Push to Diamond III - Splinterlands


  • Earlier today, since my rating was at 2817, I wanted to push my power via rentals up to 250 thousand so that I could end this season in the Diamond 3 League and get 40 chests.

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  • But strangely for some reason, after completing a couple rental purchases, my rating went down from 2817 to 2799. I had not lost any ranked matches and played only tournament games so I was curious as to why my rating had gone down.

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  • At first I wasn't sure what to do since my power was no temporarily far higher than what I usually battle with. If I won just one more match it would push me to 2800 rating and into Diamond 3 but I would probably be completing with much stronger players due to my much higher power.
  • It was a bit of a gamble. At first I did not do well at all and got absolutely demolished and sent back to 2600. That was a bit disheartening and I wondered if it would be better to just give up instead of potentially tumbling lower in rating. Instead I rented a Yodin Zaku, a Llama Mage, and Kron -- and blasted my way back up to 2804. It was lower than where I'd started but now I was able to officially be in Diamond 3 and can now hopefully expect the most chests I've ever received: FORTY.

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But strangely for some reason, after completing a couple rental purchases, my rating went down from 2817 to 2799

You can not go directly from Silver to Diamond just by increasing your CP.
You rank was reduced from 2817 to 2799 to make sure you win at least 1 match in Gold league to enter Diamond league.
So it's not game issue. It's a mechanism to prevent some one skip the league.
Hope it's clear for you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@sodomlv Thanks! I wasn't aware of that but now that you've explained it I think that game mechanism makes a lot of sense. It would stop people from camping in Bronze and skipping to Gold and beyond. Thanks again for clearing that up. Much appreciated!


No other words describe my feelings for you reaching Diamond Level… other then…


You just started playing this game a few months ago, and by hard work, determination and great rentals you have clawed your way to the top.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Novice to Diamond!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am a man on the rocks when it comes to Gaming..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta