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RE: Pasando tiempo conmigo|| Spending time with me

in Holos&Lotus5 months ago

Time is so precious. We cannot stop it, or replace it. Once it's gone, it's gone. Each of us must be useful, of course, but each of us is given a small allotment of time. Nobody knows how much they will get, or what the quality of that time will be.

Don't just spend it. Use it. I hope I can take that advice, myself. For those of us who are engineered to take care of others, spending time on ourselves is a challenge.

Good luck to you with your resolution. Reading this helps me to remember the value of my own time.


It's great to have you visiting!
Knowing that this reading has been useful for your life is really nice!
Getting to this point has not been easy especially, as you say, when you have people in your care and you think you are "Superwoman". I've had to have serious conversations with myself and sometimes I even get upset, but it's been for the best. I need a break and I feel it's time to take it.
I appreciate your warm comment, dear @agmoore!
Big hugs!