In the afternoon - night in Caracas / Por la tarde - noche en Caracas ENG / ESP

in Visual Shotslast month (edited)

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Living away from Caracas means that the sun goes down while you walk through its streets, or as some of us colloquially refer to that time of day "afternoon - night."
I grew up hearing that expression in my family, "in the afternoon - night, in the afternoon - car" is something incongruous perhaps, the truth is that it is part of the Venezuelan slang and for me it is totally normal to hear it.

Vivir retirado de Caracas implica que el sol caiga mientras caminas por sus calles, o como coloquialmente algunos nos referimos a esa hora del día "la tarde - noche".
Yo crecí escuchando esa expresión en mi familia, "por la tarde - noche , en la tarde - coche " es algo incongruente tal vez, lo cierto es que hace parte de la jerga venezolana y para mí es totalmente normal escucharlo.


However, we relate this expression to a specific fact, not all sunsets are afternoons - nights, I think that for us the evening is from 7:00 p.m. only if the sun is still present, we are used to greeting or say goodbye to "good night" from that time onwards, but if the sun is still present, well, we do not find a better solution than adding late night to our vocabulary.

Sin embargo, está expresión la relacionamos a un hecho específico, no todas las puestas de sol son tardes - noches, creo que para nosotros la tarde noche es a partir de las 19:00 solo si aún el sol está presente, estamos acostumbramos a saludar o despedirnos de "buenas noches" a partir de esa hora, pero si aún esta presente el sol pues, no encontramos mejor solución que, agregar tarde - noche a nuestro vocabulario.




The time at which the sun sets in Caracas does not vary much during the year due to the proximity to the equator, but in the months of June and July the day is a little longer, the sun sets around 7:00 p.m. and even A few minutes later we can appreciate its glow and colors in the sky.

La hora en que se oculta el sol en Caracas no varía mucho durante el año debido a la proximidad al ecuador, pero los meses de junio y julio el dia es un poco mas largo, el sol se esconde serca de las 19:00 y aun unos minutos después podemos apreciar su resplandor y colores en el cielo.




I took these photographs on Av Francisco de Miranda near Parque Cristal at around 7:30 p.m. and that spectacular orange color was still on the horizon, I love walking around Caracas and getting caught up in these kinds of things.

I took the photographs with a Samsung A10.

Thank you very much for reading my post, I hope you liked the photographs.

Estás fotografías las hice en la Av Francisco de Miranda a la altura de Parque Cristal a eso de las 19:30 y ese espectacular color naranja seguía en el horizonte, me fascina andar caminando por Caracas y toparme con este tipo de cosas.

Las fotografías las realicé con un Samsung A10 .

Muchas gracias por leer mi post ojalá les hayan gustado las fotografías.



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That the sun sets almost always at the same time was a surprise to me to hear. A Hiver from Veenzuela told it to me and now I also read it from your post. That is interesting. Here (Spain) there is quite a big difference between when the sun sets in winter and in summer. In winter, on the shortest day, it sets a bit before 7 pm and in summer, on the longest day in the year it is almost 10 pm.

hello! What you tell me is interesting, thank you very much for stopping and reading the post, I am very pleased that you liked it

Amiga esas fotografías están muy bellas, que hermosos colores, felicidades por este post.

Muchas gracias por pasa y apreciar mi post amigo, me agrada que te hayan gustado las fotos!

Hermosas fotos. Disfrutar del paisaje siempre es una gran opción

Muchas gracias por apreciarlo