(Esp- Eng) Concurso especial de Club de escritura: Historias Goticas// "El hechizo del castillo Hive" //Writing Club Special Contest: Gothic Stories// "The Hive Castle Spell"

in Writing Club2 years ago (edited)
Hola a todos mis estimados amigos de Writing Club, me emociona significativamente participar en este fabuloso concurso, basado en la narrativa gotica; específicamente, alusivo al estilo de la gran novelista, Ann Radcliffe. Sin mas preámbulos, con uds mi historia, esperando sea del deleite de todos.

El hechizo del castillo Hive:

En el pintoresco y arquitectónico pueblo blockchain, había un hermoso y prospero castillo llamado Hive. Dicho castillo, era famoso en el lugar no solo por su belleza, sino porque quien tenia el privilegio de visitarlo, se sumergia de inmediato en un mágico mundo donde experimentaba las mas grandiosas fantasias y todos sus sueños se hacían realidad; como en una especie de vida soñada en sus breves momentos de estadia. Al partir del mismo, la fortuna y prosperidad llegaba de manera increíble a la vida de los visitantes, sellando su felicidad para siempre.

El hermoso castillo Hive del pueblo blockchain

La princesa Creative, era una increíble doncella de belleza sinigual cuyo padre, Don Post; le heredo el castillo junto con la facultad de impregnarlo de magia, fantasia y buena fortuna para sus visitantes y ella; con la alegría y nobleza que la caracterizaba, cumplia a cabalidad y gustosamente su legado; hasta es lógico pensar que tal maravilla, provocara la ira de la maldad.

El magico y fantastico rostro de la princesa creative.

La malignidad, la envidia , el odio y el terror, estaban personificados en un hechicero ruil, malvado y sombrio llamado Plagio; quien no podía soportar lo fantástico y beneficioso que representaba para los pobladores el castillo Hive y los poderes maravillosos atribuidos a la princesa creative por su amoroso padre. Pero el dantesco Plagio, conocía que dichos poderes y la autoridad del castillo, serian transferibles a quien la princesa Creative escogiese como esposo; entonces, preparo un malévolo plan.

El malevolo Plagio

Un potente hechizo, que condenaba al castillo Hive a una tenebrosa fachada y perenne oscuridad, con el fin de obligar a la princesa Creative a tomarlo como esposo y de esta forma, apoderarse del castillo y de los poderes que solo podían ser transferidos por la princesa. Su propósito era hacer del castillo Hive todo lo contrario a lo que realmente era y usar sus poderes para hacer del mismo, un lugar de falsedad, fraude y mala suerte para sus visitantes

El castillo Hive hechizado

Aun cuando Creative vio caer sobre su hermoso castillo el terrible embrujo que apago su luz, de ninguna manera cedió al inmundo chantaje de Plagio, quien en represalia la tomo en cautiverio amordazandola sin vestimenta alguna, a merced de a las oscuras sombras y de fantasmas que la atormentaban constantemente. Creative, creyo que todo estaba perdido, que Hive no volveria a ser el lugar de fantasia y maravillosas experiencias para los pobladores de blckchain; se sentía morir de tristeza y depresión.

creative, cautiva de Plagio.

El pueblo de Blockchain, estaba desconcertado, no comprendia porque la fachada y esencia del castillo Hive habia dado un vuelco tan abrupto. Originalidad, una astuta reportera del periódico “Contenido” llena de valor decidio entrar al castillo para investigar acerca del fenómeno sucedido. Entonces con su cámara al cuello como única arma se dirigio al mismo. Todo parecía normal en el salón principal, pero en fracciones de segundos comenzó la pesadilla.

Originalidad, la valiente reportera

Un escenario en tinieblas y pantanoso la rodeo, gemidos de espectros, zombies y animas de tenebrosa apariencia le reiteraban tormentosamente

“Vete de aquí intrusa, vete de aquí!!!!

Originalidad desesperada, corria de un lugar a otro encontrándose con caminos laberinticos que la regresaban al mismo lugar de tormento, donde las presencias mounstruosas continuaban haciendo de las suyas. Hasta que una luz incandescente hizo acto de presencia en el terror y con una voz sublime y decidida le exclamo:

“Ve y sigue ese camino sin mirar atrás, esa es la clave para burlar los espectros. Eres la elegida para ayudar a mi hija, la princesa Creative a liberar el castillo Hive de este maleficio. Toma a mi hija de la mano e invoquen todo el poder de su imaginación y enfóquenlo a la destrucción de Plagio

Sin pensarlo dos veces, originalidad estrecho la mano de creative y con todas sus fuerzas imaginaron a Plagio y sus malévolas presencias desintegrándose en pedazos y con ellos, desaparecer el terrible hechizo que había caído sobre la esencia de Hive verdadera y exclusiva; y toda su magia y poderes de traer fortuna y felicidad a los pobladores de blockchain, regresaron para quedarse. Creative y Originalidad, se volvieron las mejores amigas y guardianas de Hive para evitar que Plagio, nunca mas atentara contra su autenticidad y de llegar hacerlo nuevamente; ya sabían que unidas, con todo el poder de su imaginación, podrían derrotarlo.

Hasta aquí mi participación en este concurso propicio para colocarle alas a nuestra imaginación, espero hayan disfrutado leer mi historia de principio a fin, como fue para mi elaborarla. See you later friends!

Las imágenes son libres de derechos de autor, extraidas de Pixabay.


The Hive Castle Spell

Hello to all my dear friends of Writing Club, I am significantly excited to participate in this fabulous contest, based on the gothic narrative; specifically, allusive to the style of the great novelist, Ann Radcliffe. Without further ado, with you my story, hoping it will be to everyone's delight.

In the picturesque and architectural blockchain town, there was a beautiful and prosperous castle called Hive. Said castle was famous in the place not only for its beauty, but because whoever had the privilege of visiting it, was immediately immersed in a magical world where he experienced the greatest fantasies and all his dreams came true. as in a kind of dream life in its brief moments of stay. Upon leaving it, fortune and prosperity came in an incredible way to the lives of visitors, sealing their happiness forever.

The beautiful Hive castle of the blockchain town

Princess Creative, was an incredible maiden of matchless beauty whose father, Don Post; I inherit the castle along with the power to imbue it with magic, fantasy and good fortune for her and her visitors; with the joy and nobility that characterized her, she fully and willingly fulfilled her legacy; It is even logical to think that such a marvel would provoke the wrath of evil.

The magical and fantastic face of the creative princess.

Malignance, envy, hatred and terror, were personified in a ruthless, evil and gloomy sorcerer named Plagiarism; who could not bear how fantastic and beneficial the Hive castle represented for the villagers and the wonderful powers attributed to the creative princess by her loving father. But the Dantesque Plagio, knew that said powers and the authority of the castle, would be transferable to whoever the Creative princess chose as her husband; So, I prepare an evil plan.

The Malevolent Plagiarism

A powerful spell, which condemned the Hive castle to a gloomy facade and perennial darkness, in order to force Princess Creative to take him as her husband and thus take over the castle and the powers that could only be transferred by the princess. His purpose was to make the Hive castle the opposite of what it really was and to use his powers to make it a place of falsehood, fraud and bad luck for its visitors

The Haunted Hive Castle

Even when Creative saw the terrible spell that extinguished its light fall on her beautiful castle, she in no way yielded to the filthy blackmail of Plagiarism, who in retaliation took her captive by gagging her without any clothing, at the mercy from the dark shadows and ghosts that haunted her constantly. Creative, believed that all was lost, that Hive would never again be the place of fantasy and wonderful experiences for the inhabitants of the blockchain; he felt dying of sadness and depression.

creative, captive of Plagiarism.

The people of Blockchain were puzzled, they did not understand why the façade and essence of the Hive castle had taken such an abrupt turn. Originality, an astute reporter from the newspaper "Content" full of courage decided to enter the castle to investigate about the phenomenon that happened. Then with his camera around his neck as the only weapon he went to it. Everything seemed normal in the main room, but in fractions of seconds the nightmare began.

Originality, the brave reporter

A dark and swampy setting surrounded her, moans of specters, zombies and spirits of gloomy appearance tormentingly reiterated her

“Get out of here intruder, get out of here!!!!

Desperate originality, she ran from one place to another encountering labyrinthine paths that returned her to the same place of torment, where monstrous presences continued to do their thing. Until an incandescent light made an appearance in terror and with a sublime and determined voice I exclaimed:

“Go and follow that path without looking back, that is the key to outwit the specters. You are the chosen one to help my daughter Princess Creative to free the Hive castle from this curse. Take my daughter by the hand and summon all the power of your imagination and focus it on the destruction of Plagiarism

Without thinking twice, originality shook hands with creative and with all their might they imagined Plagio and his malevolent presences disintegrating into pieces and with them, the terrible spell that had fallen on the essence disappearing from Hive true and exclusive; and all its magic and powers of bringing fortune and happiness to the people of the blockchain, came back to stay. Creative and Originality, became the best friends and guardians of Hive to prevent Plagiarism from ever attacking the authenticity of Hive and from doing it again; they already knew that together, with all the power of their imagination, they could defeat him.

End to my participation in this conducive contest to give wings to our imagination, I hope you have enjoyed reading my story from beginning to end, as it was for me to elaborate it. See you later friends!

The images are free of copyright, extracted from Pixabay.

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