The paradox of involution

in Writing Club2 years ago

The paradox of involution

We are constantly under the influence of a very progressive mottos: "Keep on growing, improving, learning". We should never settle with who we are, but rather strive always for more. Grind for more, be aggresive towards your goals and always, always keep an eye on outgrowing yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of us, evolving as we breathe and making the most out of our lives. Hustle and passion is what makes us improve. But what happens when we're constantly triggered to be better, but our environment starts to lag behind, making us not so proficient at our growth?

We're no strangers to what happened in 2020, a radical sanitary situation left us with little freedom, afraid of our health and hoping that it would all be over soon. Our life had to chance, we had to change. Birthday parties became zoom parties, training inside became the fashionable accesory... and we became used to working at home. It was all a huge change.

You know, at first I wanted to post all this in LinkedIn, but I want real opinions, not the sugar coated ones that might come from users afraid that their boss is reading what they're writing. I am always on the lurk for opinions, job hunting and taking a look at what my professional colleagues are saying... but there's something that everyone seems to ignore.

When pandemic started and lockdowns became part of our daliy life, every single company was incredibly proud to say "Hey, we're working from home! Yikes! We're so happy about it!". But what now? Have they forgotten that remote teams work just fine?

I have received a couple of job offers on my field, Accounting, and of course, as I'm currently travelling and actually 13.000 kilometres away from my own country, what I asked was always the same: "are you going to the office?", and that was before even having an inteview.

Be my guest and guess the answer:


So now, we had to face an incredibly hard situation, and if that lead us somewhere was that we could have a serious change on the way we work. Employees are happier, they can spend more time with their families, they don't have an hour or more to commute to work, companies were happy about how the teams were working... then, what's wrong? why even bother going back to old structures?

It's incredibly weird for me how we're willing to involve just because thinking of change is way too radical for us to bare. Now, the same companies that posted their amazingly good news about homeworking, are just posting pictures about how "happy" their employees seem to be while getting back to the office. None of them were able to give me a serious answer of why that was being held.

So, that's the point. Why are we involving to a structure that we realized that no longer worked for us?

Micromanagement sparkling at its best, with bosses that don't trust their teams and even deny the chance of having a better life to their employees. What's the idea behind this? Or even worse, why the need to show off the change and then, as soon as it was possible, to get back to old ways?

Pictures were taken from this websites:


This writing is so real and accurate, that I remember much of my working life. I think the old work scheme died the same day as the pandemic. But the system is still there; the welfare of the worker continues to be ignored. It is a very sad reality.

Nice to read you, Phendx. ❤️

I agree with you, friend! Little importance is given to what makes the worker happy, even if that makes them work more efficiently… ugly truth and too bad that everything’s going back to “normal”.
Thank you so much for stopping by <3

Absolutely!! Sometimes I also search for a remote job, hoping that the word “remote” act clarely as a filter, but as soon I open the positions available, all of them ask for you to be in the city because they demand some job in the office.

I mean… What’s this?? All the employees thought that everything had changed and finally people realize that companies could continue with their development even if people work from their houses, but no… no… at the end this is the slavery of XXI century…

Slavery with no real purpose, because people already showed that it’s 100% possible to work from anywhere and at anytime. Still, there’s the “old” generation dragging everything to how it used to be, such a shame…

I think the higher authorities in a company feel that if their workers continue working from home then that's no work at all. They want people to pay their way out daily to get to work and stress on so many things without realizing that work from home was even better and more comfortable for many. People had more time for themselves and even more time to work efficiently.

Exactly! Despite all the huge sanitary crisis, people were ok working from home… where has all that gone to now? It’s a shame, we got a taste of tue future working like that and now, just because a bunch of people don’t accept this new methodology of work, everything seems to be going to waste. It’s such a shame!!

A very big shame indeed.