
This is quite beautiful. I hope you don't mind me writing my own perspective on it.

*Love is the deep ocean that leaves us breathless,
A force that pulls us in and consumes us whole.
It's a shackle that chains us, never to be free,
A weight that drags us down into the unknown.

The spark of flame that ignites within our hearts,
An uncontrollable force that we cannot tame.
It flickers and dances, burning bright and bold,
But it can go out at any moment, leaving us cold.

Love is a double-edged sword that cuts us deep,
A passion that can bring us to our knees.
It's a risk we take, a leap of faith we make,
Hoping that we won't drown in its embrace.

But sometimes love suffocates us, leaves us dead,
A weight too heavy for our hearts to bear.
It's a darkness that envelops us, a void we cannot fill,
A reminder that love's shackles can be hard to break.

So we hold onto the flame, even when it flickers low,
We cling to the hope that love will never let us go.
For even though it can leave us breathless and alone,
Love's power is too strong to ever truly be gone.*

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