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RE: HBD Pay, app and marketing Proposal #302 [ENG-ESP]

in La Colmenalast month

Oh it's a Leo finance group member putting forward this scam.

It isn't going to do a thing for anyone other than the idiot that thinks he is worth $500 a day to qr code and track transactions.

Is this the best leofinance scam you can come up with?

So since you demand all this money and think you are going to bring adoption...

How is this going to be adopted by anyone let alone the hive community. And sure as shit isn't going to help the world adopt hive.

You just signaled the fact that even the worst scams and groups like leofinance are unafraid to scam the hive community.

This is worthless. It's a ripoff. It's just a joke to demand $500 a day.

Leo finance. Yeah makes total sense that this would come from that group.