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RE: Why you shouldn't be sad when you get common reward cards!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

The summoners are the core of your team and it's the only cards that you can't really earn. You need to buy them. Either with your ingame earnings or with external money. The best is to actually start to develop one summoner to level 2. This will allow you to play cards of this level for this splinter if you are in bronze league at least.

This is the best way to progress. The next step is then to develop another splinter to level 2 and little by little develop your team.


Thanks for the advice. I guess I should probably pick a summoner from the new chaos or current rewards pack since they would be more readily available

Yes, this makes a lot of sense. You will probably need a couple of weeks until the first chaos legion summoners are available.

I am hoping to get one of the presale packs but may not get enough vouchers to do so. I will start looking at my current deck to see which splinter is the strongest. I have already leveled up a few of the new reward cards to level 2 so may want to look at those splinters summoners to consider starting with. Thanks again

If I may give you an advice, I think it's a good idea to actually not invest in packs during the presale. You may overpay these 5 cards greatly. A good idea is to wait until the packs are added to the game (this may take some time). Then you can buy the cards from the market that you need most (like summoners). You can even sell your vouches to earn some funds to later invest in cards.

This sounds like a great idea. The only reason I would purchase a pack is for the chance to get one of the promotional cards. Even with the chance for purchasing one pack is only 2%, If I was lucky that card would be worth a lot I figure.