NEW SERVICE: Weekly Statistics For The $SPT Token

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hello friends of $SPT, Friends of $HIVE and all others,

I already have created several statistics for Hive based token. But one very important statistic was missing:
$SPT - The Splinterlands token.

So I started playing Splinterlands to understand a little bit the system - and I started collecting the SPT token data.
Now I can present the stats at least for the last three days.
In the future I'll try to do it weekly on Friday noon, for the last 7 days.

So, for the first time, here are the:

SPT Statistics for the last week:

The timeframe is from 2021/09/14 - 2021/09/17.

Bought $SPT By Time

This figure shows who has bought how many $SPT at which time:


Top $SPT Buyers and $HIVE Sellers

The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $SPT, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $SPT):


Commulated Amount Of Bought $SPT Per Person

This figure shows the top 10 $SPT buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:


Table Of Top 20 $SPT Buyers

This table shows the top 20 buyers of $SPT sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:

buyer.keyword: DescendingSold $HIVEBought $SPTAvg. Price

Commulated Amount Of Sold $SPT Per Person

This figure shows the top 10 $SPT Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:


Table Of Top 20 $SPT Sellers

This table shows the top 20 sellers of $SPT Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:

seller.keyword: DescendingEarned $HIVESold $SPTAvg. Price

Price of the $SPT

This figure shows the price of $SPT for the last period:


$SPT Summarize Metrics

This table shows how much $HIVE was given by buy-requests, that where equal or higher than the sell order vs. sell-requests, that were equal or lower than the buy order.
If the buy-requests where higher than the sell-requests, then money comes into the system and the value of the token increases.

Under the total line one can see the sum of $HIVE and sum of $SPT that changed the ownership and the average price of $SPT for the last period.

The average price of the token in the picture is wrong, actually it was: 0.017 $HIVE/$SPT


Todays value of $SPT:
The price of $USD/$HIVE = 0.75310124 . The price of $HIVE/$SPT = 0.01899999 . The price of $USD/$SPT = .01430891


All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "SPT"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' ''

I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to Kibana, from which I took the screenshots.
If you find errors, please tell me!
If you want me to continue the stats, give me some good upvotes ;-)

If you want to see other statistics (even from totaly other data), please contact me. I can create them weekly or monthly if I get some rewards for it.

For more details see here: How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token? or on github.

Here are some more statistics from the tokens I observe:

Regards, Achim Mertens


Sweet, i made the list. SPT has potential i believe. Good stats bud, cheers!

nice reporting

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 74 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Ich bin froh das ich auf Deinen Blog, Post gestoßen bin. Finde ich sehr interessant Deine Auswertungen und da hast du echt eine Nische für Dich gefunden, die noch ein wenig unterbewertet ist. Ich denke aber das sich das ändern wird. Mit dlease habe ich auch schon öfter gearbeitet und habe mir da Power geliehen, doch was hältst du denn davon direkt zu delegieren?

LG Michael


@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !