Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event on Splinterlands to Celebrate the Bitcoin Halving

in Splinterlandslast month


Welcome to another edition of my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. It has been five days since the Bitcoin Halving last April 20, 2024. This Bitcoin Halving is a feature of Bitcoin to reduce the reward of Bitcoin miners to half. This means that half of the Bitcoin minted by the miner was cut in half thus reducing the volume of new Bitcoin in circulation.

In Splinterlands, we celebrate this monumental event that happens every four years by having a promo. This promo will give buyers the chance to buy the cards at half the price using vouchers. The cards and two new limited-edition cards which are Baron Fyatt & Henchling Enforcer. This event will only last for 15 days, so grab your now!

If you are interested, or, if you are interested to join Splinterlands use my referral code below. Hurry! This is only a once in a four years event. This is your chance to get a Legendary and Rare card for half the price.

Check this blog for the complete information regarding the event: Announcing the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

Join Splinterlands by clicking my referral link below

Prices to be won

Below are the prizes for the participants of this event. The prizes are $100k worth at current market prices.

  • 500 PLOT tokens
  • 100 Alpha packs
  • 250 Beta packs
  • 500 Untamed Packs
  • 50 Essence Orb Packs
  • 100 Azmare Dice Packs
  • 20 Runi NFTs

Card information - Baron Fyatt (Legendary)

Baron Fyatt is a Legendary card that can cut the attack of an enemy into half after it is attacked. Reducing the attack of the opponent is huge. Let's say you have an enemy with an attack of 4. Once Baron Fyatt attacked the enemy unit its attack will become 2 until the battle is finished. Imagine if Baron Fyatt can attack 2-3 enemy units that means the opponent will have his/her attack total reduced to half.

Not only that, Baron Fyatt is safe from Ranged and Magic attacks by the Scattershot ability. It also can Ambush and Blind. Ambush will make Baron Fyatt act before even the battle begins. Blind will make melee and ranged enemy have a 15% chance of missing their target.

Card information - Henchling Enforcer (Rare)

Henchling Enforcer is a rare card that also has the ability Halving which reduces the attack of enemy units to half. Imagine if you got Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer into your, it will be hard to beat. Aside from Halving, it also has the abilities called True Strike and Camouflage. True Strike is a skill that makes Henchling Enforcer not miss its target. Camouflage makes Henchling Enforcer not going to be a target unless the unit/card is in the first position.

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional


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