We Need A New Game MOde

in Splinterlands5 months ago

In this video, I discuss why Splinterlands would benefit from providing a new game mode. Specifically, I am referring to a game mode that would be similar to what ranked play currently is (for example, we have brawls and tournaments that offer the same type of gameplay).

It does not need to be anything elaborate or fancy, just giving us an opportunity to play more of the game we love would be fantastic. Ever since the energy change in 2023, the limit on playing for hardcore players has been rough.

What do you think?

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@luckyali says - This can be a good change in splinterlands thanks for bringing this.

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Still learning this game, Have not been into gaming for long. Hoping that your recommendations get implemented so that the game and gaming experience gets better. Splinterlands seem to be among the top of web3 games.