Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with Heavy Hitters

in Splinterlands29 days ago


Heavy Hitters



All units gain the Knock Out ability.

Be sure to include a unit with Stun in your lineup to trigger the knock out.

Use a monster with Stun ability. There is a 50% chance that your monster with Stun will be able to stun enemy monsters, but if successful, all your monsters will deal double damage to that stunned opponent.


The Battle Ruleset


Heavy Hitters: All Monsters have the Knock Out ability.
Stampede: The Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.
Melee Mayhem: Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position.

This is a low mana ruleset game and only the Life Splinter is available to play, so it will be easy to choose what to bring, but the rulesets are heavly favors the melee attack monsters, because they will be able to attack from any position instead of only the first.

The Heavy Hitters ruleset will allows all the monsters on the battlefield to deal double damage against monsters whom are Stunned just need to make sure that you use monsters that are capable of Stun their targets.


My Team Composition


Tyrus Paladium is a three mana Life Summoner and he will give one armor to every friendly monsters. He is very good in battles where the mana cap is very low.


The Shieldbearer will be my tank for this game, because he has the Shield and Taunt abilities, which means that he would take half damage against any melee and ranged attacks. The Taunt ability will ensure that all the enemy monsters will target him, so as long as my opponent not going to bring too much magic damage he will be quite safe.


Doctor Blight is a an amazing magic attack monster with the Camouflage ability, which means that no one can target him unless he is the last monster on the battlefield or he is in the first position. He also has the Poison ability, so if manages to trigger the Poison on his target they will take two poison damage at the end of the round.


The Armorsmith is very good support card, because he has the Repair ability, which means that he will restore some of the lost armor on his target.


The Halfling Alchemist has an interesting ability, which is halving. That means that if the Alchemist hit his target he will halves the damage of his target permanently until the end of the battle.


The Divine Healer doesn't have any attack damage, but she has the Tank Heal ability, which means that she always restore some lost health on the monster in the first position.
She also has Slow ability which decrease one speed from all the enemy monsters.


The Venari Crystalsmith is my second healer in this abttle, because their tank in the first position will soak up all the damage from the enemy team, so he need all the support that my monsters could provide in order to keep him alive. Luckily the Crystalsmith also has some ranged attack, so she is able to help my tank killing their targets.


The Battle


Link to my battle:


My opponent brought Lorna Shine summoner who gives the Divine Shield ability to all of their monsters, which is a bit better than mine, because she will be able to block one attack completely while my Tyrus will work only against the melee and ranged attack monsters.

In the first round my opponent lost his Pelacor Conjurer and luckily he didn't have a Magic Reflect ability, because his level was too low.

In the second round my opponent off tank managed to block all of the attacks this round and survived the round, but in the following round he eventually died and his Kinjo followed him, because he had only one health*

The main power of his team was his Jared Scar who had 5 attack damage, but my Shieldbearer managed to mitigate his damage easily and after even my Halfling halved his damage as well.

Finishing rest of the game was pretty simple, because my opponent lacked the damage to kill my Shieldbearer and his three support behind him.


Do you like Heavy Hitters? Why or why not?

I like this ruleset, because it is easy to counter or ignore, because it is very difficult to take advantage of it and even if you use a monster with the Stun ability there will be always some luck involved, because the trigger rate for the Stun is 50%.



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