Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Splinterlands 6 Year Anniversary! THE PROGRESS IN MY STEP THROUGH THE CLANS THESE 4 YEARS IN SPLINTERLANDS

in Splinterlandslast month (edited)

In the previous article and others I outlined my entry into Splinterlands as it was, and that it began with axie and ended at the insistence of a friend within SPLINTERLANDS HERE.

To see more about this see the previous article:


But here I will expand my adventure in what I recommend to newbies, enter a guild and be as active as possible, without that the experience is better and it will help you grow faster, especially if you do not have as much to invest in splinterlands, also which is a good practice.

Team Venezuela The team for Venezuelans my first contact

I had been in Splinterlands for a while just playing in the ranking battles and a friend of my brother told me about this clan that was forming. I had some buildings formed and they had just introduced the MERITS rewards, in the chests that I didn't know what they were for, but upon entering here, although it gave me an additional percentage to get more rewards than 1%, I still had not increased the level 1 arena nor the CLAN store, so it was 5 months trying to help climb that building to try to experience my first CLAN battles, and buy my first *BRAWL packs.

After 4 months trying to get more members to join and those who were there to contribute to raise the buildings, not seeing the corresponding growth, I decided to start looking at other guilds to move to.


I said goodbye to my old colleagues and I managed to bring one of them to the new DARK HARVEST guild, which now changed to DARK CROWS, but I will indicate that later on why the change occurred.

I entered the new guild and there they asked for a monthly contribution of 350 dec to the STORE building, which they were about to level up, and that didn't seem expensive to me because there were 5 brawls a month and with only one you had 350 dec per month and the others were for my growth.

I spent several months with several active members although we were never able to fill the 11 frays, leaving the frays always golden.

I always entered fray 3, which was bronze level and you could use all the cards and I had an average of 5 victories and 3 defeats every 10 fights and in one I did have more defeats than victories.

One of the colleagues tried to create a DISCORD channel, with which to communicate, but it disappeared and thus the best members left and seeing that several went up to SUBLIDER, no one knew who, I tried for 3 months to assume the functions of leader.

Expelling the members who did not contribute or did not get involved in the BRAWL, AND ADMINISTERING the BRAWL fights, analyzing to find each brother the most optimal member.

Thus we managed to be between 4th and third place, managing to win between 900 to 1200 merits, achieving first place twice and 9 sps.

Then another top member managed to raise us from a 1-star ARENA to a 2-star one.
Thus managing to increase profits from an average between 13 to 19 sps and between 2000 to 1500 merits.

Logramos subir la tienda a nivel 4 aumentando asi los meritos ganados y es alli que gane varias cartas BRAWL, principalmente solo cartas maximo epicas, pero entre las epicas que logre ganar esta la QUORA TOWERSHEAD.

This card is one of the most powerful and for me it is as if it were a LEGENDARY card, and with it I managed to win even more battles.

But now 2 of the best members left and the best member and it was the one who, thanks to him, managed to go from one star to 2 stars by contributing MISS-A, told me that he would no longer play with that account and would only play with another who was in that guild, this was the last straw and I decided to start looking for another guild.


I tried to look for a good guild and found this one that, although it appeared to be in sixth grade, I saw good potential since it was due to a lack of members to fill the fray.

So I started, I saw how many members were missing and so I managed to take 5 members of the old guild and thus we are managing to fill all the fray and managing to be between fray 1 to 3 maximum in fray 4.

This way we managed to have more than 4000 merits and more than 35 SPS per week.

This is the increase in profits that will allow me to continue growing.

Also, my friend who brought it to the current guild where I am, decided to give me the MISS-A account, which is in the old guild and a friend who had several accounts put them there and thus I recovered the profits having more than 11 SPS .

There in the store you can buy blood stones, and I managed to get my first legendary BRAWL cards.

These are my first two BRAWL legendaries, at least the green one is better, the epic one is better than the legendary one and in fact I use the QUORA TOWERSHEAD card more than that green legendary card.

So those blood stones will help me win the first two legendary cards.

I hope you like this publication, waiting for your comments and suggestions.


Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉




Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar